Kid Pres

The recent events and happenings of life have left me recipeless but not wordless. I had to get this out. I think it’s just as important, or more, as a good recipe.

We watch the news and shudder, once again. Our bellies tighten and we hope that the breaking news won’t be followed by more breaking news. We hope it’s an accident—an insignificant accident with no casualties and only minor injuries, if that. We hope, until more breaking news flashes across our screens. The scene is grim, in fact, horrific. It’s not an accident but premeditated—by a person, not a malfunctioning machine. It’s significant. Our mind quickly files through the catalog of friends and family we know in the area. We account for our people. And then comes the anger, the questions, the tears and the like. We hold our people tighter, thankful that it wasn’t us. This time. We seek answers. We try to explain to our children what happened. Or like me, we question why we’ve brought kids into the world. This isn’t the world I want to give them. We seek solutions. What went wrong this time? What can we do to prevent it next time? What laws can we pass in the meantime? All good questions. All appropriate questions.   Read more

Egg-citing News! | The Fauxmartha

I’ve been keeping a secret for many weeks too long. We’re hatching a little egg this September! We’re as clueless as ever but so excited for the new adventure. I’m 13 weeks and feeling great minus my pants being too tight to button, although still waiting for that bump. I’m craving all things breakfast and bananas which may explain the last couple months of posts.  Read more

I’ve deleted and rewritten this first sentence at least thirty times. I’m forcing myself to reflect on the past year, but I can’t come up with any solid thoughts just yet. Maybe the process of writing it all out will help. I don’t care for New Year’s Day much minus my mom’s black eyed peas. Starting over is hard. As is saying goodbye to family and the anticipation of the holidays. Coming off that high leaves me dog paddling for awhile. Give me a week or two, though, and I’ll make my way to the shore. I’ll find my footing again. Life will take off at an alarming rate. And I’ll beg it to slow down at the start of each new week. But for now, I’m still holding on to 2012.

To that time my friends and I recreated Bitchin’ Sauce while my husband was interviewing all over the country for an internship position.

2012 | The Fauxmartha Read more

I’m slowly getting back into work mode after an inspiring couple days in NYC. Filled with a lovely gathering hosted by Blog Brunch. A full day of Alt Summit conferencing. And a last minute breakfast with two of my favorite food bloggers—Apt. 2B Baking Co. and La Buena Vida. In case you’re wondering, I ended up ditching the dress for cropped pants and a ruffly top. Chunky necklace and pointy toed shoes made the cut. But at the end of the day, I forgot about appearances (as noted in the mirror much later that night) and let the time take its course. I learned a couple lessons along the way too.

1. “Find likeminded people. Make sure they’re respectful and a good bunch.” —SwissMiss

There I was. Sitting in a room with likeminded, crazy people bloggers. Following their dream, whatever that even means. Listening to the brilliant and very inspiring Tina of SwissMiss bestowing her rules to live by. My favorite rule—Don’t be a complainer. Instead make things better.


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I promised pictures of my sister’s wedding after divulging all the dirty details on the Salted Caramel Chocolate Buttercream Groom’s Cake that nearly took me down. She made it to the wedding still standing— the cake, that is. I also had the privilege of designing my sister’s wedding invites. They were fun and quirky with a splash of class. Just like them. The wedding was incredibly thoughtful and crazy beautiful. Full of touches from family and friends. I could go on and on, but I’ll just leave it at that.

Florist Sami Volcansek (friend), Blush and Bashful Weddings
Photographers Lauren Coleman (my sis-in-law) and Kalli Davis (friend), Lauren Kalli Photography (more wedding pics here)
Invitations Melissa Coleman (that’s me), Scratch Design Studio

PS—I used similar wood slabs in this post. You can purchase them from Whispering Pines.

Please excuse my absence while I’m not laying out on some exotic beach or hiking up some picturesque mountain. I’m taking a spring break from blogging. I’ll be back next week, fingers crossed, with some sweet new posts. In the meantime you can find me applying for jobs in New Haven, planning my sister’s bachelorette party, returning dusty emails, updating my Facebook page, or working on some top secret projects. Also known as—catching up on life. Be jealous. Or  better yet, have some fun for me. Please!?

Speaking of fun—I got to squeeze some in last weekend. Check it out! Read more

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