You may remember the Balsamic Pasta post a couple months back. It was more about marriage than it was about a recipe. It was about how we forgot to have fun together—a simple revelation that we came by the hard way. We found that carefree fun again between a couple of red paddles and a ping pong table from Craigslist. We also found it after renting bikes to trek around the city with out-of-town friends. Afterwards, we decided a set of wheels would be another good investment in us. Brilliant sent over his and hers bikes. (Thank you Brilliant!) We’re in love. On all fronts. Read more
There might have been a time or two when you’ve wondered why I call myself the faux. Well, wonder no longer. Here’s an faux idea! We’re setting a Kid-Friendly Compostable Table for the holidays this year. Some may call it a major faux pas. I’m not even embarrassed about it. The idea came to me while at Ikea. A craft paper holder filled with a roll of paper was sitting on top of a dining table. I wanted to run home immediately (see video for visual reference) and affix it to the underneath side of our table. I’d cover the table in a new roll of paper every day. Kind of like the exam table at the doctor’s office. Gross, Melissa. Hallie would color and spill all over it. And I’d be happy about it.
I nixed the permanence of the roll. It’ll fit in our buffet just fine, and we won’t lose knee-space at the table. However, we’ll still be covering our table in craft paper and using compostable plates and silverware come Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. Because we have a tiny toddler, and I want her to enjoy it as much as the rest of us. Do I even need to mention how great clean-up will be two days out of the year?! Read more
Monday’s are much too frequent these days. Somehow 52 of them have passed, and I have a 1 year old. During bath times I always say to Hal, “Remember your first bath when you were teeny tiny, and this towel nearly swallowed you whole?” She looks at me with a smirk—that I know when she’s 10 will be accompanied with rolled eyes—like, “Mom, stop it. I’m a big girl.” Where did this 8 tooth, food loving, sassy lady come from? Read more
It’s a given. Moves never go as planned. You can count on it. Many moves later, and I still haven’t learned my lesson. Here we are, sitting in our new-to-us empty apartment two weeks post move, and I feel compelled to write this post on my slower than molasses, 7 year old, barely breathing laptop. If not for you, for me. Though, I’m never doing another major move again. Our belongings were scheduled to arrive Saturday at the very latest. It’s Monday, and now they’re telling us the truck will, knock on wood, arrive Thursday. Thankfully, the Twin Cities house the nicest people, and a few new friends lent us some goods to get by. Sure, we could go out and buy a couple things in the interim, but since we just purged, acquiring more stuff makes my insides ill. If we could turn back time, we would have mailed ourselves a kitchen care package as we had planned (per the recommendation of a friend). And here’s what we would have packed.
Remember that time I was going to start posting to Fauxmama? Well, I got cold feet about posting anything besides recipes. I’m a food blog. But I’m now also a mom. And mom’s love to share what works and what doesn’t since there’s no manual out there on operating these little pieces of machinery. But I felt far too faux to post anything to this mom space. While I love my little bean more than anything (and stay up late gawking at videos and pictures from the earlier months while she sleeps), the transition into motherhood has been rough. Most days I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. But I guess I started this blog when I didn’t have a real clue about baking. In case you ever wondered where the name came from—there you go. I’m so, so faux. Read more
This is as close as we got to taking a family picture this year. Maybe I should pay someone as there seems to be two people missing. There’s always next year, right? We’re headed downstairs now to see what Santa brought this little chickadee. She wanted to tell you something first—Be Merry! Seriously, we hope your Christmas is very, very merry. Much love.
Before Hallie arrived, my only concept of motherhood was decorating her room. Three months before her due date, we found out we’d have to move within a months time. I was completely overwhelmed. Hindsight—we’re so thankful it happened. The move gave us an extra room just for Hal. So instead of packing up our old apartment like a wise person would do, I made an inspiration board for her room. After we settled into our new space, I did what I thought motherhood was—went into her room every morning, opened the blinds, pictured her giggling in her crib, and dreamed up more projects. Read more
I’m 10 days late with this announcement, but I haven’t been able to peel my eyes off this little girl. Hallie was born pretty fast on Friday the 13th. I’m calling it lucky. She’s happy and smiley when awake, spending the majority of her days eating and pooping. She has a squeaky cry and golden hair. She looks just like her daddy, but we’re thinking she may have some of her mom’s feistiness. We’re so, so in love. I’ll fill you in on the details later, but for now, here’s what I’ve been cooking these last nine months.