Forno Bravo Wood Fired Pizza Oven from The Fauxmartha

Before officially deciding to move to Minnesota, I saw a picture of people making pizza outside in the dead of a winter on Instagram and fell madly in love. The rest is history. We’ve given ourself over to both Minnesota and the art of pizza-making in an outdoor wood fired oven. And, oh, is it an art. I think we might spend a lifetime learning how to cook by fire. If and when you’re ready to give yourself over to this ancient, beautiful way of cooking (that also yields the best pizza), I’m kicking off a 3-part mini series—Part 1: The Gear; Part 2: The Dough; Part 3: The Sauce.
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Minnesota hospitality looks like your friends, Lindsay and Bjork, planning an introductory weekend Up North with you. It looks like log cabins, green canoes strapped to cars, evergreen-lined highways, miles and miles of lake shore, and one serving left in a casserole dish (that no one dare touch). Read more

Apple Crumble Muffins from The Fauxmartha

The more you know, the less you really know. Or something like that. When I was younger, I seemed to know everything. At least I had an answer for everything, and it always came packaged in a simple and tidy explanation. Now I have more questions than answers. And the answers I do have feel as untidy as my unmade bed and the floor of our office that doubles as a play area for Hal.  Read more

A post from The Fauxmartha on minimalism and kids toys

Do you remember when I started a permanent series on Minimalism twelve days after the new year? Well, twelve days after that, I signed a contract to write the cookbook The Minimalist Kitchen, which will be in your hands April 2018. This series (and life) took a major pause as every effort went into creating the book. I wont write a whole lot more on minimalism in the kitchen until after the book comes out, which creates plenty of space to talk about minimalism from a different perspective. Since the beginning of January, I’ve gotten several emails about minimalism and kids with subject lines like—SOS, Help, is it even possible?! Read more

I hate talking about money and putting a price tag on something. But I’m going there today with the goal of saving someone money in the long run. Next to hanging pictures on the wall, choosing a rug might be one of the biggest home design conundrums. There are so many variables to consider—from size to pattern to foot traffic and price tag. Before moving in, we were advised to invest in a quality rug for our living room. With everything else we needed to buy for the house at the time, investing properly in a living room rug was impossible. 3 rugs later. They were right. Read more

Chili Lime Chickpeas

It’s late August and that pit in my stomach is settling in again. The very first of the leaves have started to fall. It’s most noticeable in the backyard. Like a greying beard, I’ve spotted tiny patches of color change along our tree-lined streets. The sun, that sits so high in the sky throughout the summer, is dipping lower and lower. And the late sunset we boast about living this far north is no longer a topic of conversation. This is also the time of year when summer squash and hearty winter squash line the grocery shelves at the same time. And when the apple trees are heavy with fruit. It’s happening. Read more

Italian Raspberry Cheesecake Popsicles

“We have been warned that ordinary is less than, a sign of inferiority, an indicator that so much more awaits if we could just get the mix right. But the truth is, most of life is pretty ordinary, so it is precisely inside the ordinary elements…—career, parenting, change, marriage, community, suffering, the rhythms of faith, disappointment, being a good neighbor, being a good human—that an extraordinary life exists.” I had just finished giving the start of my speech about finding beauty in the ordinary by putting down your iPhone when this quote from Jen Hatmaker’s book, Of Mess and Moxie, popped up on my screen. I was looking at Facebook in my office, the same place I was delivering my speech to a crowd of one—myself. There’s something oddly cathartic about hearing your thoughts spoken. But it should be noted: I could never be a public speaker. I need backspace too much. Read more

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