A Scoop of Black (vegan chocolate ice cream) | @thefauxmartha

The sprinkler runs as we try to salvage our patchy lawn. First time homeowners. Seizing the opportunity, she puts on her swimsuit. I’m glad I skipped buying that $7.99 kiddie pool at Target. It would have been a better mold-grower and debris-collector anyways. She runs a miles worth up and down the driveway, dripping wet, under the canopy of droplets that touch the rays of sun before landing on her. Then the tears show up. I look for blood from the inevitable stubbed toe. Nothing. Read more

Vegetarian Chili | @thefauxmartha

Did you watch the show Dinosaurs back in the day? We did. Every last episode. I watched it again on Netflix just before having Hal. It kept me occupied during my many craft projects for her room. I’m pretty sure she’d recognize the theme song if I played it for her now. In one episode Robbie looks at his dad, Earl Sinclair, and explains he’s a herbivore. Earl was a carnivore. You can imagine how that went over. Earl took Robbie out back to catch dinner. Robbie befriended his “dinner” and made a salad.  Read more

Amazing Soba Bowl | @thefauxmartha

I don’t typically title my recipes with adjectives like amazing, superb, or outstanding. It seems trite. But in this case, I have good reason. I went to my first Thai restaurant in college. Growing up in Texas, I’d only ever heard of tex-mex. I’m only half kidding. Upon recommendation from a friend, I ordered #45—Amazing Chicken. Read more

Creamsicle | The Fauxmartha

With all this talk of pumpkin lattes and apple crisps, I’m hanging on to summer for dear life. Not ready to let it go. Not one bit. So we’re making summery desserts nearly every night. This week it’s been peach cobbler and these dairy-free creamsicles. Read more

If you ever want to substitute eggs in a baking recipe, use 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed with 3 tablespoons warm water, per egg. Whip using in a blender, immersion blender or food processor until it reaches a creamy, egg yolk consistency. Great when baking for vegan friends or if you find yourself out of eggs.

—Alison, This Homemade Life

I’ve been holding out on you. Though it wasn’t intentional.

Remember Bitchin’ Sauce, the original version? Conceived 3.25 months ago. Well, she has a sister. And her name is Chipotle. It’s never good to play favorites, but she might just be mine. Her personality is bold and spicy. But she’s not the overbearing type. I think you’ll like her. Read more

Have you heard of The Food Matters Project yet? The short of it—a bunch of food bloggers have come together to cook and share recipes out of Mark Bittman’s cookbook, The Food Matters Cookbook. The brains behind this brilliant idea—Sarah from 20 Something Cupcakes and Kate from Cookie and Kate. Sarah explains the project best here. Rather than paraphrasing it, I’ll let her do the talking.

If you’ve never cooked a Mark Bittman recipe, I’m with you! [That is until this weekend.] And to be completely honest, I don’t even own the cookbook yet. It’s on my to-do list this week. Despite my many sweet buttery baked posts, which aren’t going anywhere, I’m a huge fan of eating well. And by eating well, I mean feeding your body the nutrients it needs—unprocessed vegetable based foods. I’ve never fully shared my food testimony with you before. Only little pieces here and there. But I think it’s about time. Just maybe not this week. Read more

When your husband has been out of town all month, you make a bitchin’ bowl for dinner every night. It’s far better than the eggs and toast which usually fill that stark white dinner plate. And it’s ready in five minutes. And for just a second, it makes you forget that you’re alone in a condo fully dressed in Christmas garb at the end of January.

Three and a half years later. One semester to go. My husband is nearing the end of graduate school. At least the school part. He’s currently touring the country interviewing for internships. Connecticut. Maryland. Ohio. Michigan. Tennessee. Illinois (current home). Louisiana. Kentucky. Colorado. In one short month we’ll find out where we’re going. February 24. Match day. A simple email holds our fate. Read more

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