Stale bread? Not a problem. It’s perfect for making croutons, baked french toast, crusty bread french toast, or panzanella.
Psst—add your stale bread recipes in the comments.
Call me lazy, but I always search for a parking space closest to the shopping cart return at the grocery store. You’ll thank me come winter, I know it. You’re so welcome.
I use a lot of sun-dried tomatoes, but the ones that don’t come in the oil-packed jar are so hard to chop! So, instead of chopping them with a knife, I’ve been taking my kitchen scissors to them. Works like a charm if you don’t have a super sharp knife.
—Ashley from Edible Perspective
When you find something that works, and works really well, it must be shared. With that said, it’s a double tip week. Stick with me, I’ve got some explaining to do. I’ve confessed it here before. I’m a terrible gift giver. Awful, really. Maybe the worst. Thinking of gifts (good ones worth buying and giving) is absolutely debilitating for me. I freeze up and forget every idea I never had for the person. Then I declare, “No gifts this year!” Eventually I order something lame online and keep eye contact to a minimum until the awkwardness has passed. I’m not kidding when I say this—gift giving is a real problem for me. Read more