Giftry + The Fauxmartha

When you find something that works, and works really well, it must be shared. With that said, it’s a double tip week. Stick with me, I’ve got some explaining to do. I’ve confessed it here before. I’m a terrible gift giver. Awful, really. Maybe the worst. Thinking of gifts (good ones worth buying and giving) is absolutely debilitating for me. I freeze up and forget every idea I never had for the person. Then I declare, “No gifts this year!” Eventually I order something lame online and keep eye contact to a minimum until the awkwardness has passed. I’m not kidding when I say this—gift giving is a real problem for me. Read more

Baked Donut Holes | The Fauxmartha

What do you get when you cross a pregnant donut lover with a craft blogger over at The Proper Pinwheel? A surprise baby shower with baked donut holes on a DIYed pinwheel. Myself along with a bunch of my favorite craft bloggers are having a virtual baby shower today to celebrate Lexy and her sweet baby girl on the way. If all goes as planned, Lexy and I will have our littles only a week or so apart. They’ll soon become best friends after we move to Denver next summer (fingers triple crossed). Read more

Last month I made this decadent chocolate chip cake. And topped it with a hand drawn sign. I had every intention of making it available to you, but in the flurry of serving and eating the cake, the sign disappeared. Probably selling for big bucks on e-Bay. Ha!

Ask and you shall receive. A reader asked for the sign this week so I decided to go digging around for my original template. Found—under a stack of unread Real Simple magazines. (Don’t worry, I will read these cover to cover.) So, I did a little scanning and editing and viola! A downloable PDF just for you! Read more

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