If you’ve been around here long enough, you know I like my donuts baked not fried. I know, I’m an anomaly (apart from the fried donuts I recently found at the farmer’s market that nearly made me forget about these). I also like one solid recipe per baked treat. And when it’s all-natural too, my heart goes pitter patter. Read more
More often than not, my limes are hard as a rock and yield little juice and a very sore hand. Maybe I should start picking out my own rather than buying the bag? Making dinner the other night, trying to come up with a solution, I remembered a tip my friend Meghan taught me a couple years ago. And it worked like magic. Using the tip of a sharp knife, poke a small slit in the lime and microwave for about 30 seconds. The lime will come out juicy and maleable. Same rule also applies to lemons.
If you don’t have a fancy handheld citrus juicer, try cutting the citrus lengthwise (in a straight line between the little nubby ends of the lemon) to yield more juice when squeezing by hand. I swear it’s more effective than the common crosswise cutting method. And bonus! Not as many seeds seem to work their way out.
—Laura, The First Mess
I’ve been busy. This weekend I started building my design website. Just about finished up designing my sisters wedding invites. And dreamed up a new cookie recipe (coming later this week). Productivity never felt so good. The last couple months I’ve had a dark cloud looming over my head. A to-do list a mile long. It’s dibilitating. But I’ve decided to put one foot in front of the other. Chip away little by little. And plan zero social outings on the weekends. Soon enough things will get back to normal. Right? Read more
Have you heard of The Food Matters Project yet? The short of it—a bunch of food bloggers have come together to cook and share recipes out of Mark Bittman’s cookbook, The Food Matters Cookbook. The brains behind this brilliant idea—Sarah from 20 Something Cupcakes and Kate from Cookie and Kate. Sarah explains the project best here. Rather than paraphrasing it, I’ll let her do the talking.
If you’ve never cooked a Mark Bittman recipe, I’m with you! [That is until this weekend.] And to be completely honest, I don’t even own the cookbook yet. It’s on my to-do list this week. Despite my many sweet buttery baked posts, which aren’t going anywhere, I’m a huge fan of eating well. And by eating well, I mean feeding your body the nutrients it needs—unprocessed vegetable based foods. I’ve never fully shared my food testimony with you before. Only little pieces here and there. But I think it’s about time. Just maybe not this week. Read more
One last recipe before the year end. And here I sit in disbelief that I just typed “year end”. Truth be told, this is my least favorite time of year. The hype of Christmas has passed. The tree is still up but sits lonely and unlit in the corner. It’s trunk bare with opened gifts that have since found new homes. The sun shines brightly trying to uplift my disposition. But seems to do just the opposite as I wish for overcast mornings. For snow covered streets. For the quietness of winter. It’s not time for the bright and cheery. It’s not time to press restart again. Or is it? Read more
Icebox cookies are some of my faves this time of year. There’s no two ways about it figuratively speaking. But literally speaking, there’s two ways about it. Dueling ways. Cranberry Orange vs. Rosemary Orange ways. Read more