How do you know when a peach is ripe? My mom grew up in the south, making her a peach expert. She taught us at a young age to only eat a peach when you can smell it. And when they’re not as ripe as you’d like or if you have a peach cobbler, crisp, or galette to make later that day, stick them in a brown paper bag and seal to speed up the process.

Need ripe bananas in a pinch? Roast them. Preheat oven to 325°. Place unpeeled, bright yellow bananas on a lined baking sheet (bananas may ooze). Bake until skins are completely black, about 20 minutes. Flip bananas halfway through. Allow to cool for at least 5 minutes before handling.

One Banana Banana Bread from The Faux Martha

One Banana Banana Bread. I’m eating a sliver right now. It’s only appropriate, ya know? Let me tell you, the crumb topping is a nice little surprise on the taste buds. Read more

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