He washes our clothes and shrinks my shirts. Not on purpose, of course. He works all week and teaches at night. He’s determined to payoff his grad school loans faster than he accrued them. His work socks leave dents in his legs which can only be seen as he mows the lawn after work. He’s the CEO (Chief Email Officer) of this site because I’m so debilitatingly right brained. In the words of Hallie, “He’s the best daddy.” Because he is. His fatherly intuition is stronger than mine. He wakes up first and goes to bed last. He forces me to talk when I’m mad. He knows the bitter conversations are the only way to get to the sweeter ones. So in honor of Father’s Day, we’ve worked just as hard to perfect our fluffy pancake recipe. For him. Because he’s been eating my thin whole wheat pancakes all these years without a complaint. Or without much of one. Read more
Swedish Pancakes
We first had Swedish Pancakes during our initial visit to Minnesota, the second home of Swedish Pancakes. We landed in a blizzard to yards piled with at least 3 feet of standing snow. The tops of the snow banks touched the base of most first floor windows. We still decided to move there (and haven’t had a winter like it since). I think it was the Swedish Pancakes. But most likely, it was breakfast at Sarah’s house the morning prior that sealed the deal. Either way, Swedish Pancakes seemed to play an important role, too. Read more
Over the holidays, my siblings and siblings-in-law were all in one place for a brief second. You could call it a Christmas miracle. We pounced on the opportunity to have brunch together, a fancy one. I’m a plain white tee and jeans kinda girl, but every once in a blue moon, life calls for a shiny gathering with breakable dishes and real napkins, around a table almost too pretty to sit at. Almost. Here’s how we threw a fancy, picture-worthy brunch (video and bloopers included). Read more