Make Ahead Orange Clove Rolls | @thefauxmartha

That’s a picture of a beautiful make ahead orange clove roll that I made for Thanksgiving. I forgot to post the picture of Hallie throwing a tantrum for the twelfth time. And the picture where I threw one too, beet red and angry. And I didn’t tell you how I threw out the stuffing before anyone could take seconds because it didn’t taste right. I bought the wrong bread. And I didn’t record the argument we had about how to best hang the garland outside either. But I did want to tell you about these make ahead orange clove rolls we consumed during those days. That cream cheese glaze, it can cover a multitude of sins. Read more

Creamsicle | The Fauxmartha

With all this talk of pumpkin lattes and apple crisps, I’m hanging on to summer for dear life. Not ready to let it go. Not one bit. So we’re making summery desserts nearly every night. This week it’s been peach cobbler and these dairy-free creamsicles. Read more

No-bake Orange Cardamom Cheesecake | The Fauxmartha

Writing posts these days has been tedious. I’m not 100% sure why. But lately I’ve noticed a longing to tell a story different than my own. In my fairytale world, I’d tell you a story about how this cheesecake has been passed down through the generations and eaten on hot summer evenings after a long day spent at the lake with family. Afterwards, we’d sit by the fire—the one I started—and talk for hours counting the stars that are too hard to make out in our urban neighborhood. Read more

We made it. Halfway across the country. With our loot and car attached. We said goodbye to our old home and hello to a new one. We unpacked globs of boxes, put together stupid amounts of Ikea furniture, and painted some of it too. High stress situations don’t always lead to the smartest decisions. Needless to say, I’m banned from painting furniture and reading Young House Love for awhile. They give me way too many ideas. Read more

I’m fighting against the seasonal clock to make as many rhubarb infested treats as possible. The window is short. Too short. I nearly broke out in sweat on a cool 70° morning at the farmer’s market this week. Was I late? Where’s all the rhubarb? Oh, it was there alright. At the very last stand. Read more

I’m standing in a fog. The windows are translucent. I can’t see my next step. Although I know it’s infront of me based on experience. But if I quit moving forward, I’ll soon be paralyzed. With muscles atrophied from lack of use.

Fear. Decisions. Change. Deadlines. They can do that to you. Make you stop dead in your tracks. Whisper little lies of inadequacy. They’re like speed bumps. In the fog. Reminding you that the road is rough. And it’s far from perfect. Read more

Homemade Fig Newtons Recipe from The Faux Martha

I have this indescribable, yet unnecessary, need to make everything from scratch. Pop tarts. Naan. Pie Crust. Ice Cream. At times it can be ridiculous. Overzealous. Marked by trial and error and more error. But in the end, after I wipe the flour, sweat, and, in this case, fig puree from my forehead, I feel accomplished. I beat the machine, the big company, the artificial flavors, the cardboard packaging, and plastic wrapping to make homemade fig newtons. And you can too. Sweet victory. Read more

I’ve been busy. This weekend I started building my design website. Just about finished up designing my sisters wedding invites. And dreamed up a new cookie recipe (coming later this week). Productivity never felt so good. The last couple months I’ve had a dark cloud looming over my head. A to-do list a mile long. It’s dibilitating. But I’ve decided to put one foot in front of the other. Chip away little by little. And plan zero social outings on the weekends. Soon enough things will get back to normal. Right? Read more

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