A couple weeks ago when it was still warm enough to make you sweat, we stopped by a lemonade stand on the corner of the street. We chatted with and met new neighbors. I was juggling a cup of lemonade and a nap-ready, wiggly baby while trying to keep four new names straight. (I’m abnormally good with faces but adversely awful with names.) A homeless woman walked up, put her change down on the table without hesitation, and walked away with a cup of lemonade in hand and a smile on her face. My mind was a thousand different places, but present enough to absorb that brief moment.
I could write the story of our life based on google searches. Is it normal to change a newborn’s diaper 15 times a day? Why do newborns cry all the time? What is the climate like in Minneapolis? How long does it take to build a home? How long does it take a moving company to deliver your stuff? Where is the best biscuit in the Twin Cities? We landed at Sun Street Breads based on the aforementioned search a couple weekends after moving here. My biscuit, which was mighty good, came with a side of raspberry quick jam. A couple weeks later, I met Stephanie for lunch at The Buttered Tin. I can’t pass up a good biscuit, and they had a good biscuit on the menu. Once again, it came with a side of raspberry quick jam. Whatever this phenomenon was, I needed it for my weekend biscuits. Read more
It may be the end of the season, but I’ve finally figured out how to cut watermelon without chopping off my fingers. For years I’ve shied away from buying them until I finally realized to cut it as I would cut anything round (from a carrot, to a butternut squash, to a watermelon). Always start by giving yourself a flat edge. Then liberally trim off the skin. The white and light pink meat hold very little flavor. Continue by dicing small portions at a time, always rocking and rotating to give yourself a flat surface.
If you know me well, you probably know that if you call, text, message, or email me, it may be days (or, I’m embarrassed to say, sometimes weeks) until I respond. It’s not for lack of thought. I replay the correspondence in my head a million times and search for the perfect response. In fact, I respond so many times in my head, I think I’ve actually responded. It’s a problem. Read more
I have an announcement of sorts, and I’m burying it in a post about chicken salad. Lucy’s Chicken Salad. I’ve been keeping this bit of information to myself for awhile, which is rare for an over-sharer like me. I’ve been starring at the blinking curser, picking at and playing with my hair like I do when I’m thinking but can’t verbally formulate my thoughts. This announcement–it’s really not that hard to say or even that crazy. I’m just not comfortable with it yet. Just like I wasn’t comfortable calling Kevin my fiancé for months after getting engaged. And the same reason I still have a hard time calling myself a mom. Those are grown-up words. And most days, I swear I’m still in high school. Read more
We eat a lot of waffles around here. I can do things on repeat forever and ever, but Kev needs variety. Inspired by I am a Food Blog, we flavored our syrup with fruit this weekend. Add chopped berries or stone fruit to a saucepan with a thin layer of water and cook on medium-high heat until bubbly, about 5-10 minutes. Add desired amount of maple syrup and warm through. Serve. For added flavor, drop in a sprig of fresh herbs while cooking.
I’m gonna miss summer dishes that come together in the time it takes water to boil and pasta to cook. Dishes that only involve a couple chops and stirs. Dishes that are best when left uncomplicated, like this one. I’m not even sure what to call it. Quick Summer Pasta will do. It’s served us well this summer, again and again and again. It’s almost too simple to post. Then again, that’s the beauty of it. (Speaking of beauty, read on for a chance to win a set of two pictured handmade linen dinner napkins from StitchNY.) Read more
If you’ve been around here long enough, you know I like my donuts baked not fried. I know, I’m an anomaly (apart from the fried donuts I recently found at the farmer’s market that nearly made me forget about these). I also like one solid recipe per baked treat. And when it’s all-natural too, my heart goes pitter patter. Read more