My mom is the first to say she doesn’t like to bake. I’m still not sure where my love obsession came from. Somehow my sister picked up the habit too—proof. But despite my mom’s distaste for baking, she makes a mean cobbler. In the summers it’s filled with the ripest of peaches. And through the winters it’s filled with the blackest of blackberries. Always topped with ice cream of course. This tastes like home to me.
Home. Where I returned from just days ago. Already missing the people I have known for a lifetime. I still wonder why I ever moved away. And then I’m reminded of the greedy Texas* heat that steals winter’s thunder. The heat that also leaves me grumpy for weeks on end. I’m a winter girl at heart. I still melt with every snowfall. I love it’s quiet demeanor. And the beautiful way it paints the landscape white.
I love it’s whispering reminders to stop. And if you listen really close, it’ll tell you to make blackberry cobbler. To cuddle up on the couch with a warm mug. And just be. If only I could convince winter and home to exist in the same place. Until then, I’ll keep making cobbler.
As for the recipe, mom says just remember—a cup, a cup, a cup, a stick.
Preheat the oven to 350°. In an 8×8 inch baking dish, add butter and place in the oven until melted and slightly bubbling, not browned.
Meanwhile, sift the flour and sugar together. Whisk in the buttermilk. Batter should be pourable. If too thick, add 1 teaspoon of buttermilk at a time.
Once the butter is melted, remove from the oven, and immediately pour in batter. Edges will begin to cook. Generously add the fruit. Return to oven, and bake for 30-35 minutes or until crust is golden.
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This is very similar to my southern cobbler recipe that I’ve been making most of my life. I have never tried buttermilk though and bet it adds a nice flavor so will have to try it next time.
I made this the other day and it tasted amazing! I used a bit less butter though. Nevertheless this definately has become one of my favorite desserts! Thanks for sharing this recipe!
For buttermilk, what kind of buttermilk do I use? I ended up buying a quart of buttermilk (liquid) in the milk section because I couldn’t find buttermilk in the butter section.
What’s the difference between regular butter (salted) and buttermilk..? I made it with buttermilk liquid in the milk looking carton and it was WAY too buttery/greasy. Help!
Buttermilk is basically curdled milk. You can also make it by adding lemon juice or vinegar to regular milk. In the batter, you should use a cup of buttermilk. In the pan, you should use a stick of butter. It makes for a crispy buttery crust. My favorite part! But if it’s too buttery for your liking, you can use a bit less.
Love this recipe, its gorgeous. The serving is just right, i have to ask where did you find the ramekins/bowls? Presentation is so important for single servings and these are amazing! Thank you.
My mom has had these cute little dishes since I was a little girl! There’s no telling where she got them. I wish I could find more for myself. Maybe Corning-ware has made something similar?
This post was so good I had to Press It! to all of my readers also. I plan on making this one soon. Thanks for the post and recipe. I will definitely be back to your blog
You made my day! Well, actually, you made my mother’s day! My mother cut a similar recipe out of the local paper many years ago, and it was accidentally thrown out. She was so upset! She sounded so happy when I called her and told her I was sending her the recipe! Thanks for posting!
beautifully simple recipe, now I just need some fresh berries. re- Texas heat – I love Texas, but I don’t think I could ever live there because of the heat. I am near Sacramento, CA, and we routinely see 100+ during the summers, but as they say, it is a dry heat, not the sweltering humidity laced heat I have experienced while in Texas. That humidity that makes you feel like you need a shower, right after you dry off from the shower! And of course, it gets thicker as you go south. When I visit Houston, I feel I need an oxygen tank, as the air is so thick my lungs believe they are underwater. nw, to go find some berries. . .
I’ve been seeing this post on here for a few days now and every time I see it my stomach rumbles and aches for some of the cobbler, I only wish I could reach in and take some. My mum’s a good baker, I think I may have to pinch your recipe to give to her to bake one day.
Blackberries are in season during the hot Louisiana summers – and they grow wild everywhere! We always picked buckets of them and my grandmother would make blackberry pie. Yummy! I can’t wait to try your mom’s cobbler. Thanks, and this southern girl loves winter, too.
I’m not sure which is more enticing… the mouth-watering pictures of delicious cobbler or your beautiful words. Love them both. Can’t wait to try your cobbler…just when I swore of sugar.
Oh, this is so awesome and seemingly simple! I’ll definitely have to make it for my family this weekend. Do you think it works with any kind of fruit? or should I better stick with different types of berries only? Can I use frozen berries or should I thaw them first or should I use only fresh ones? I love to bake, or perhaps I love the idea of baking. As you can see from my questions I do not know much. Although I love to experiment. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll just wing it! 🙂 If all goes well, you’ve made my 4 year old and my husband’s weekend. Thank you very much for sharing this recipe.
Wow, I think you have given me the answer to my problems when making a cobbler. Next time I will be using a shallow baking dish. Thank you so much for the idea.
I’m in Chicago too, and there are many wintery days (most recently, last Friday) when I wish I had warm Texas roots! Very pretty pictures. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed – so glad I’ve discovered your blog!
Wow! This looks fab can’t wait to try the recipe. I’m in the UK though, so what measurement is a ‘c’ would that be a cup? We make cakes in ounces. I can tell you are a designer, the photographs are wonderful.
I made this last night using some spare blackberries I had frozen away from last season’s harvest. It was part of a special 3-course suprise dinner I cooked for my wife. It tasted amazing! Thanks for the recipe! 🙂
Wow! Me and my stepsister had just read your blog, and we really liked it, especially my little sis, since she loves to cook and bake. It’s a great blog and I can see that you did lots trouble with it!Keep cooking! 😀
I could not help but notice your beautiful pictures of blueberry cobbler on freshly pressed. Just out of curiosity was this little dish a one adult serving as I think I could eat the whole thing. Take care, BAM
Looks very delicious. Is it soft? My teeth were pulled out for my new dentures. Is it good to eat for me? If yes, I will ask my wife to make blackbetty cobbler.
Thank you for your post! I have a lot to share with your writing: I am a winter girl living in the South with difficult efforts, regretting the windy dumpy winters in Paris, who thought then? and I love the cold ultra ‘fresh’ ones of Stockholm (my husband’s country). Your cobbler would be perfect for the Swedish taste of a good dessert with a great coffee in a city cafe’ with candlelights on the tables and snow outside. Perfect winter cobbler, I too do not like baking, but this will be on my list next Sunday.
Reblogged this on So Many Places to Call Home and commented: I meant to make this while at was at home, but never got around to it. If you want to lend me your oven, I’ll make one for you.
Just looking at this and I gained 5 lbs. Looks delicious. Now I’m a heat person…love Arizona. My idea of snow is put a movie on and if I want to make it really authentic, turn down the AC. “Snow Dogs” is one of my favourite snowy movies.
Okay…so I finally got around to making this today. I made two, and took one to a neighbor. We just had our first serving…soooooo good! Thank you for sharing!!!
Thanks! I went back and added a reference to your blog so people could check out the cobbler if they want to! I might just make it yet…seeds and all. 😉
new to this blogging lark and being a Chef I have to say this looks gorgeous! Not heard of a cobbler before, is it like a French clafoutis or totally different?
Very, very nice work, Melissa. Now I know why you were taking all those pics after Christmas in the kitchen bay window! Your passion for your work is incredible.
BTW, your art admirer Rick Perry just called and expressed displeasure with your comments about the Lone Star state!
Wow! Your food photography is absolutely stunning. That one drip of juice is a symbol of the drool to surely slip from the corner of your readers’ mouths. Can’t wait to try this one!
My kids love cobbler, and the ones with May birthdays request blackberry cobbler instead of birthday cake. We pick the berries ourselves, which grow wild near our house. And that bright Texas sun helps them grow plump, fat and juicy. Yum!
I love blackberries. As a kid, I remember walking in the woods and finding great masses of prickly blackberry bushes. I would come home all scratched up, but nothing beats the taste of a fresh picked, wild blackberry. I’m definately trying this recipe! Unfortunately, I will have to get the berries from the market, no blackberry thickets here that I know of …
What a beautiful post. And the cobbler looks incredible! Thanks for providing the recipe, too. Have always heard about the “cuppa” recipe and have been anxious to try it. Tomorrow’s going to be the day, thanks to you. 🙂
very tasteful, delicious and easy to make cobbler! I skipped the butter to make it a bit healthier and substituted the self rising flour for oat flour and it was still to die for. Great job!
first thanks for sharing such an amazing and simple recipe. I just tried it with carrots and it turned out so good. Just had a bit of it…out of the world…:)
The picture of your cobbler on Freshly Pressed said it all. I couldn’t help but click and check it out! I also roamed across older posts on your blog and have to say you have other great recipes that I’d love to try out! Your photography is a lovely match.
My sister bakes a lot (from scratch too!) so this will really tempt her into trying out your recipes 🙂
Have you heard of “Tasty Kitchen” from Pioneer Woman? You should maybe post your recipes there! You’ll probably get a lot of followers!
Beautiful post! I remember growing up, we used to go pick blackberries, and my grandmother would make pies with them. They were so tasty! I love your post because it makes it seem so simple to make your cobbler. I’m not a pastry baking type girl, and it usually seems like something that is a bit intricate. Maybe I’ll make a blackberry (or another fruit) cobbler soon with your simple recipe. Thanks for posting this:-)
This looks delicious. Blackberries are in the shops now it’s summer in Australia. I will make it but I have no idea what a ‘stick of butter’ is? Never seen this in Australian recipes? Can anyone help me?
My grandmother grew up in the south, and this was HER cobbler. It’s the only dessert I ever remember her making, and now it’s one of my favorites. Every summer, she would send us out to the Seattle Wilds around her house with a board and a bucket, to pick blackberries. We grumbled…but were secretly thrilled, because we knew it meant blackberry cobbler in February. If you let the butter brown, and then use brown sugar….it’s amazing. It makes toffee around the edges. Yum. Thanks for posting!! Your post is GORGEOUS.
You are merciless, making me scroll down past such beautiful pictures of blackberries, which I love, before telling me how to make the cobbler. We collected wild blackberries in New Jersey when I was young, but we just ate them as is. No one we knew used them to cook with. In college days I saw blackberry pies on sale in Oregon–an epiphany–but I never got to eat a piece of one until 15 years later! Your recipe is so simple. Thank you.
I enjoyed your post very much…even more so since I’m an east coast girl that’s moved to Texas and back again. And speaking of which, the landscape is turning white tonight. =)
Yum! I love cobbler and have a different recipe. Love the idea of the buttermilk. Will definitely try this. Your blog is great and motivates me to write in mine again. Aaah, need more hours in the day for baking and blogging.
I loved the cobbler. The old sifter and spoon were a nice touch to the photography. I love food blogs as long as the photography is good. I’ll be back!
Okay, so, I live in Alberta where this past week it dipped to -37 degrees Celsius in my neck of the woods. I hate winter — the only time I like it is when the snow is softly falling on a night with a full moon and the temp is about -5 degrees Celsius. Which NEVER happens, so . . .
Glad you enjoy your lovely memories of it.
I printed off the recipe right away it sounded so good and just the thing we need during this cold spell.
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful dish. I can taste the subtle crunchiness of the blackberries and the sweet creaminess of the ice cream. Connie
This reminds me so much of growing up in Georgia. Of going in the woods past our yard to pick blackberries, then coming home and begging our mom to make us a cobbler. I can’t WAIT to go home and make one tonight 🙂
That is amazing! The pictures and the recipe. Will try this the next time I get the chance. I love baking too and yes, it does taste so much better than anything store bought. My favourite recipe right now is an italian apple cake :)).
Reading your text and looking at the photos made me miss home too 🙁 Unlike your mom, my mother loves cooking, and I miss so much the smell of her just-baked cakes on rainy days, served with a cup of milk…
Beautiful photos and writing! Love how the recipe is so easy — really want to make this now. First though, I need to discover the British equivalent to buttermilk…
Love the easy guide to remembering the recipe your mom taught you! Any dessert that’s baked & delightful should always contain a whole stick of butter, otherwise I’m doubtful from the start! ^_^ Great post – it makes me want to find some blackberries this weekend to try this recipe! Looking forward to more recipes & checking your archives. Stay blessed ~Marianne ^_~.
You’re like me, my mom hates to bake but I’m obsessed as well. I think its because my grandma would watch me during the summer and we’d bake almost daily.
Anyway, it looks amazing I’m going to have to try it!
This is a beautiful post that left me wanting cobbler AND family! Something about ice cream melting over warm dessert invites memories of holidays and family lingering over the table. I’m going to get cooking…
I love a good cobbler recipe, and this one’s going in my files to try… I’m an ex-Texan too–that summer heat drove me away to the land of FOUR seasons (Philadelphia, in my case)!
Ooh, you didn’t. I love-love-love this desert. My grandmother made the best, and I love blackberries. I am definitely marked this recipe and make it maybe this weekend. And, man, I really don’t need it – it’s getting time to get back on the old diet. Thanks for the memories. Veronica
Looks so good! If you like baking, I am doing a Project 12 on my blog…a different pound cake each month. I’m a Texas girl too, living in Houston but soon moving back home to Dallas (but I don’t like to be cold!). 🙂 I’ll have to check out your baking periodically. [You can read:, Project 12:1 – Buttermilk. I have at least one other person baking along with me!] All the best.
Hi! I really love your blog! the pictures are really lovely and easy and pleasant to look at. Have you made or ever considered making a cookbook? 🙂 And i am sooo gonna try and make Blackberry Cobbler! Have a great day!
Just in case there are other non USA people reading this (like me!) 1 stick of butter is half a cup 🙂 (just googled it because I didn’t know what a ‘stick of butter’ was!)
Looks delicious, thanks for sharing the recipe and congrats on being Freshly Pressed! Thanks also to Celeste for commenting about the stick of butter….. I’ve always wondered how much that is 😉
seems it,s a delicious meal does will eating the all but what is the recipes you begin even for make method you smile wile you will sat it,s inevitably crave.
Ok, so I may have had oatmeal with delicious blackberries for breakfast, and also enjoyed some blackberries for lunch and dinner. And yes, I might be dreaming of summer weather and picking blackberries somewhere in the South near where I grew up, versus the cold wind and weather of NYC. However, all of my cravings for blackberries aside, first let me say that your pictures are perfect, and your recipe was extremely easy to follow. I actually read your blog a bit earlier, but got so excited about the prospect of making cobbler with my remaining blackberries that I forgot to post and say two words – THANK YOU! Now that I am eating cobbler with a cold glass of milk, I mean it even more. You are awesome, and this was a great post!
This looks beautiful, and I love the ease of the recipe! It’s the middle of peach season here in Australia, but I’m thinking of a best of both worlds scenario – blackberries AND peaches AND icecream of course!
Stumbled across this page. Started pinning and ended up here. Love this. They are so cute in the little dishes! Bought some berries today! Think I’ll have to try this!
Just gorgeous, I love this! I find the simplest recipes to be the most beautiful! And funny, as I read about your mom, it reminded me that mine was the polar opposite. Hated to cook, loved to bake. But who could hate making this cobbler?
I don’t see why not. You may want to coat the fruit in a tablespoon of flour before pouring it in. This will keep it from dropping straight to the bottom.
My mother totally doesn’t care to bake. I think it’s because she’s always worried about eating too many sweets 🙂 Cobbler is one of my favorite winter desserts…so versatile!
I’m from Texas and I can understand disliking the heat. Having worked out in extreme heat and frigid cold, I know you can almost always put on more clothes, but there’s only so many you can take off!
That said, people who love snow are almost always those who never had to work out in it. If you like to ski, I can understand it, but at least you can go inside to warm up whenever you like. It would be all right to sit in front of a roaring fireplace looking out at the “winter wonderland” through a picture window while sipping on a nice glass of brandy, but I’ve never had that luxury. Take my word on it: frostbite ain’t much fun.
Also,I’ve always dreaded getting those huge gas bills. I have some royalties from a few oil and gas wells – during the summer, they’re next-to-nothing and during the winter the checks are much larger, but sometimes they don’t cover my utility bill.
Sorry for the rant – just one of my pet peeves. Found this post (a great one!)via my Foodgawker feed.
This looks wonderful. I can’t wait to make it tonight. I love your writing style as well! Fun and simple, and clean. Way to go! It is so fun to meet new people through their blogs. Thanks for the great recipe:)
This looks great, but honestly…any recipe that calls for “a cup, a cup, a cup, a stick” has to be good! I can’t believe how easy this recipe is. What a stunner.
OH MAN this looks glorious. Hello blackberry bursts and melty ice cream. It’s been a while since I’ve had cobbler… my mom made it a lot growing up, too. Talk about comfort food.
I love the simpleness of your cup, cup, cup, stick recipe but I’ve never used self rising flour before… could it be substituted with all purpose flour and something else?
Beautiful photos! This is different than the cobblers here. I like the idea of filling the batter with fruit rather than topping the fruit with pastry as we do here. Yum!
This looks great! My mom doesn’t like baking either. It’s weird, isn’t it? She actually hates baking. She doesn’t like the measuring, and yadda yadda. This is an easy recipe, which is awesome. Not much to remember and most of the ingredients already in the fridge/pantry 🙂 welcome back!!
Wow Melissa! What a great recipe to get from your mom! So simple, yet it looks so delicious. The pictures are wonderful too. I want to take a bite! I will no remember — a cup, a cup, a cup, a stick 🙂
Yes, Yes, Yes! I am drooling right now over the beauty of this cobbler! I just baked a batch of blackberry muffins but they are no longer tempting after looking at this beauty! Thank God for blackberries.
This looks sooo yummy! How many times do I scale it up to bake it in a 9” x 13” pan?
This is very similar to my southern cobbler recipe that I’ve been making most of my life. I have never tried buttermilk though and bet it adds a nice flavor so will have to try it next time.
I made this the other day and it tasted amazing! I used a bit less butter though. Nevertheless this definately has become one of my favorite desserts! Thanks for sharing this recipe!
Reblogged this on sun02shine and commented:
Reblogged this on Kiara Lane.
For buttermilk, what kind of buttermilk do I use? I ended up buying a quart of buttermilk (liquid) in the milk section because I couldn’t find buttermilk in the butter section.
What’s the difference between regular butter (salted) and buttermilk..? I made it with buttermilk liquid in the milk looking carton and it was WAY too buttery/greasy. Help!
I made this the other day, and yes way to buttery.. it tasted good, but mussy on the top… not sure why any suggestions.
Hmmm…It may have needed to cook a bit longer. If the taste is too buttery for your liking, you can try using less.
Buttermilk is basically curdled milk. You can also make it by adding lemon juice or vinegar to regular milk. In the batter, you should use a cup of buttermilk. In the pan, you should use a stick of butter. It makes for a crispy buttery crust. My favorite part! But if it’s too buttery for your liking, you can use a bit less.
Thank-you, very much, I will try it again with less butter and I will cook it a bit longer or aleast until it gets crispy.
“Once you dont succeedtry try again”
Love this recipe, its gorgeous. The serving is just right, i have to ask where did you find the ramekins/bowls? Presentation is so important for single servings and these are amazing!
Thank you.
My mom has had these cute little dishes since I was a little girl! There’s no telling where she got them. I wish I could find more for myself. Maybe Corning-ware has made something similar?
This post was so good I had to Press It! to all of my readers also. I plan on making this one soon. Thanks for the post and recipe. I will definitely be back to your blog
I’m completely in love with your beautiful photographs and your blackberry cobbler!
This sounds absolutely amazing! I NEED to try this!
Reblogged this on Alfonso Mujica and commented:
omg! so good…yum
Blackberry juice….dripping down my chin…
No regrets.
beautiful photos..i love your blog name-clever
Beautiful shots!
I’m so in love with this food blog 🙂
that looks amazing
You made my day! Well, actually, you made my mother’s day! My mother cut a similar recipe out of the local paper many years ago, and it was accidentally thrown out. She was so upset! She sounded so happy when I called her and told her I was sending her the recipe! Thanks for posting!
And you made my day right back! So glad she is reunited with this great recipe. Hope it makes for many happy cobblers!
So classic and stylish. Love the recipe. Thanks.
Reblogged this on syssoftone and commented:
very delightful
beautifully simple recipe, now I just need some fresh berries.
re- Texas heat – I love Texas, but I don’t think I could ever live there because of the heat. I am near Sacramento, CA, and we routinely see 100+ during the summers, but as they say, it is a dry heat, not the sweltering humidity laced heat I have experienced while in Texas. That humidity that makes you feel like you need a shower, right after you dry off from the shower! And of course, it gets thicker as you go south. When I visit Houston, I feel I need an oxygen tank, as the air is so thick my lungs believe they are underwater.
nw, to go find some berries. . .
I’ve been seeing this post on here for a few days now and every time I see it my stomach rumbles and aches for some of the cobbler, I only wish I could reach in and take some. My mum’s a good baker, I think I may have to pinch your recipe to give to her to bake one day.
Blackberries are in season during the hot Louisiana summers – and they grow wild everywhere! We always picked buckets of them and my grandmother would make blackberry pie. Yummy! I can’t wait to try your mom’s cobbler. Thanks, and this southern girl loves winter, too.
i can only say, yuuum!, thanks for sharing and such a simple recipe, fits the photo theme this week, simple, MJ
I am soooooooo having a go at that, it looks yummy.
Mmm, tried this with cherries instead and omg, it’s delicious!! and it’s really easy to make. love it 🙂
Gonna give it a try. My tummy is happy…my thighs are mad.
I’m not sure which is more enticing… the mouth-watering pictures of delicious cobbler or your beautiful words. Love them both. Can’t wait to try your cobbler…just when I swore of sugar.
MMmmm this looks so good! And the recipe seems super easy! I will have to try it.
Daisy never met a blackberry cobbler she didn’t like. : )
Yum! That looks amazing! I’m all about the vanilla ice cream on top of a warm cobbler 🙂
Beautiful photos! Love how you present something simple so beautifully and meaningful!
Would go great with a cup of tea!!
Made this tonight and it was great it had no chance in my house haha Stop by and say hi!! 🙂
wow!!! i love that
Love how you present something simple so beautifully and meaningful! It’s the little things that make life so special!
A great recipe. The cobbler looks delicious. Not what you want to stumble upon when dieting 🙂
This looks totally yummy! Can’t wait to try this out. Love the whole blog. Take a look at ours for things related to baking, and tea and cake.
The best recipe is the one you can rattle off the top of your head…thanks for sharing!
Oh, this is so awesome and seemingly simple! I’ll definitely have to make it for my family this weekend. Do you think it works with any kind of fruit? or should I better stick with different types of berries only? Can I use frozen berries or should I thaw them first or should I use only fresh ones? I love to bake, or perhaps I love the idea of baking. As you can see from my questions I do not know much. Although I love to experiment. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll just wing it! 🙂 If all goes well, you’ve made my 4 year old and my husband’s weekend. Thank you very much for sharing this recipe.
Dear Lord, thank you for this recipe 🙂
I have a feeling that we have a similar relationship with food. I can’t wait to see more, especially with such beautifully written stories!
Looks absolutely delicious 😉
Congrats on being freshly pressed!
How To Be A DJ
Reblogged this on With My Shoes.
Reblogged this on sethapproach and commented:
Oh my gosh! It looks so good, amazing pictures!
Wow, I think you have given me the answer to my problems when making a cobbler. Next time I will be using a shallow baking dish. Thank you so much for the idea.
I’m in Chicago too, and there are many wintery days (most recently, last Friday) when I wish I had warm Texas roots! Very pretty pictures. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed – so glad I’ve discovered your blog!
The most easiest and yum recipe I have seen…….dying to try it will post how did it come out though blackberries are not so common in india
It looks divine! I can’t wait to make it!
This looks absolutely delicious…I feel like going out and getting the ingredients to make it right now! Wonderful dessert for a cozy winter night 🙂
Wow! This looks fab can’t wait to try the recipe. I’m in the UK though, so what measurement is a ‘c’ would that be a cup? We make cakes in ounces. I can tell you are a designer, the photographs are wonderful.
Reblogged this on Storm.
Mmmmm…this looks delicious! 🙂
Delicious !!!
Wow this looks amazing!!!! Love your writing and photos. Obsessed.
mmmmm looks yummy, thanks for the baking tips!!
wow, looks stunning! and great photography as well. cheers!
Looks beautiful and deliciously easy! Great job!
DELICIOUS! Love this blog and this post. I tried the recipe out and it worked perfect! Thank you so much. I am def. a biggest fan now.
This cobbler looks amazing! And your pictures and writing are so elegant. Great post!
I’m fully prepared to use all my weightwatcher points, if I had to, to eat this… Looks delicious!
Love cobbler I will definitely have to try this!!! Come check me out at Salt Pepper Brilliant where we celebrate the simple things in life.
Blackberry anything is to die for! This looks amazing :).
Looks delicious! thanks a lot.
Reblogged this on Red Top's Creative Shop.
Looks so good! Thanks for sharing.
Looks delicious! The photos are amazing too!
does look amazing!
this looks yummy
your pictures are beautiful. I’m looking forward to trying the recipe!!
This looks so delicious-especially with the vanilla ice cream!
Looks divine, I have to make this!!
Wonderful recipe and fabulous photography to boot! perfect.
looks sooo bloody tempting!
Oh my, that looks fantastic.
Reblogged this on wwtd? what would terripham do? and commented:
So simple, yet so delicious!
I made this last night using some spare blackberries I had frozen away from last season’s harvest. It was part of a special 3-course suprise dinner I cooked for my wife. It tasted amazing! Thanks for the recipe! 🙂
What a lucky wife! Glad the cobbler didn’t let you down!
delicious! and gorgeous photography.
Ahhh this looks delicious
I love blackberries and with the ice cream here looks absolutely amazing xx must try!
Wow! Me and my stepsister had just read your blog, and we really liked it, especially my little sis, since she loves to cook and bake. It’s a great blog and I can see that you did lots trouble with it!Keep cooking! 😀
PS: visit my blog at
that looks so good i can taste the berries and ice cream the hot fruit and cold ice cream sliding down the back of my throat.
Stupid Diet!
I could not help but notice your beautiful pictures of blueberry cobbler on freshly pressed. Just out of curiosity was this little dish a one adult serving as I think I could eat the whole thing. Take care, BAM
have you ever tasted some meldar of algeria?
a very delicious fruit and besides it’s an organic fruit.
What a beautiful post and such a delightful cobbler. Makes my Texan mouth water and my tummy say yummy! 🙂
oooh.. that looks so delicious! and the photos are beautiful. 🙂
Looks yummy =]
Take a look at my blog for everything photography;;
My mouth is watering…
Delicious I love it thanks for sharing 🙂
This is one tasty and mouth-watering post! 😀
Congratulations for being pressed! 🙂
Looks very delicious. Is it soft? My teeth were pulled out for my new dentures. Is it good to eat for me? If yes, I will ask my wife to make blackbetty cobbler.
wow it’s look so delicious… i want to practice too..tanks for your information…
I’m a sucker for any kind of cobbler. I make quite a nice peach one for afternoon tea when I can be bothered.
I love your individual baking dishes. So cute!
Thank you for your post! I have a lot to share with your writing:
I am a winter girl living in the South with difficult efforts, regretting the windy dumpy winters in Paris, who thought then? and I love the cold ultra ‘fresh’ ones of Stockholm (my husband’s country).
Your cobbler would be perfect for the Swedish taste of a good dessert with a great coffee in a city cafe’ with candlelights on the tables and snow outside.
Perfect winter cobbler, I too do not like baking, but this will be on my list next Sunday.
Reblogged this on So Many Places to Call Home and commented:
I meant to make this while at was at home, but never got around to it. If you want to lend me your oven, I’ll make one for you.
Nice post, i hope to see more, also would you mind visiting my site:
Just looking at this and I gained 5 lbs. Looks delicious.
Now I’m a heat person…love Arizona. My idea of snow is put a movie on and if I want to make it really authentic, turn down the AC.
“Snow Dogs” is one of my favourite snowy movies.
Okay…so I finally got around to making this today. I made two, and took one to a neighbor. We just had our first serving…soooooo good! Thank you for sharing!!!
I love that you gave one to a neighbor. So cool! Hope you enjoy it!
Your post got me thinking about the blackberries I had on hand and inspired me to get creative! I made Blackberry Vanilla Curd! Thanks for the inspiration!
Yum! Blackberry curd sounds delish!
Thanks! I went back and added a reference to your blog so people could check out the cobbler if they want to! I might just make it yet…seeds and all. 😉
This looks you would not believe it delicious to me! Your baking skills amaze me!
Do check out my blog:
Brilliant post! I love cobblers so much!
new to this blogging lark and being a Chef I have to say this looks gorgeous!
Not heard of a cobbler before, is it like a French clafoutis or totally different?
This looks wonderful, thank you for sharing!
Excellent post, excellent picture, I hope it will be more!
This looks amazing! My mouth is watering 🙂
Lovely post! The photos are making my stomach growl.
That looks so good!
Very, very nice work, Melissa. Now I know why you were taking all those pics after Christmas in the kitchen bay window! Your passion for your work is incredible.
BTW, your art admirer Rick Perry just called and expressed displeasure with your comments about the Lone Star state!
I like this black berry.
Reblogged this on @ghoz21 Blog.
I love cobblers and not just in winter! I’ve always been intimidated by pie crust so cobblers are the answer.
Wow,,,.very nice.
Looks so delicious…
Yummmmmy! 🙂
Da ganas de comerlo
Reblogged this on Once in a Blue Moon.
I’m going to give this a shot. Never had a cobbler before!
Looks delicious 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
That looks beautiful. The photos are absolutely gorgeous.
So absolutely beautiful “Dork”! I love it. Fantastic post.
wow! I am envious with your passion! I am glad i found this!
Reblogged this on living a life.
Thank you for the recipe! It looks absolutely amazing and simply delicious.
Wow! Your food photography is absolutely stunning. That one drip of juice is a symbol of the drool to surely slip from the corner of your readers’ mouths. Can’t wait to try this one!
My kids love cobbler, and the ones with May birthdays request blackberry cobbler instead of birthday cake. We pick the berries ourselves, which grow wild near our house. And that bright Texas sun helps them grow plump, fat and juicy. Yum!
Looks very tasty. Reminds my grand mother’s clafoutis.
I love blackberries. As a kid, I remember walking in the woods and finding great masses of prickly blackberry bushes. I would come home all scratched up, but nothing beats the taste of a fresh picked, wild blackberry. I’m definately trying this recipe! Unfortunately, I will have to get the berries from the market, no blackberry thickets here that I know of …
You reminded me of spending time at my Grandparents house. Yum and great photo’s! Thanks for the memories.
What a beautiful post. And the cobbler looks incredible! Thanks for providing the recipe, too. Have always heard about the “cuppa” recipe and have been anxious to try it. Tomorrow’s going to be the day, thanks to you. 🙂
I think your Mom knew my Grandmom!
BTW, great effect adding the tarnished silver spoon…Very nice touch!
very tasteful, delicious and easy to make cobbler! I skipped the butter to make it a bit healthier and substituted the self rising flour for oat flour and it was still to die for. Great job!
Please check out my blog when you get a chance.
Looks nice and warm to eat! Something I could use on this chilly day in Montana!
It’s official! I’m salivating for some blackberry cobbler! The photos look so enticing and delicious! Can’t wait to try it out!
Ugh, looks so fantastic! I actually am awful at baking, so I’m completely jealous of your skills! Looks delicious!
I am not a big fan of baking but I love LOVE eating bake goods. But I will def. try it since the recipe is so easy!
Oh my that looks fantastic. Definitely going to try it soon!
Your photography is amazing and that cobbler looks absolutely delicious! Please check out my blog if you can:
Omg!! Yum!
Reblogged this on Sweets and Sweaters.
This looks pure delicious! Great job!
Looks gorgeous! :Dx
first thanks for sharing such an amazing and simple recipe. I just tried it with carrots and it turned out so good. Just had a bit of it…out of the world…:)
I love cobbler! This looks wonderful… Your pics are great, too =D
The picture of your cobbler on Freshly Pressed said it all. I couldn’t help but click and check it out! I also roamed across older posts on your blog and have to say you have other great recipes that I’d love to try out! Your photography is a lovely match.
My sister bakes a lot (from scratch too!) so this will really tempt her into trying out your recipes 🙂
Have you heard of “Tasty Kitchen” from Pioneer Woman? You should maybe post your recipes there! You’ll probably get a lot of followers!
Lol! I just went on Tasty Kitchen today and one of the featured recipes was your chocolate hazelnut tart! 😀
Looks like a great breakfast treat 🙂
Beautifully written, and wonderful pictures. I can’t wait to try it! Thank you!
yummy!!! i love it! 🙂
I’m Faux..ummed, flaber..fauxing, and fauxed
Reblogged this on EveryDayImWordPressin and commented:
This looks Amazing and I love the photos as well! New subscriber to your blog! 🙂
I’ve never had cobbler! Looks awesome!
Just stumbled across your blog… I don’t cook/bake at all but this looks like something even I can do! I will be trying it this weekend. Thanks!
Que hambre me vino al ver las fotos
Looks delicious…I’m going to make this recipe 🙂
OMG. This might actually be possible for me to make. I can’t get blackberries, but I might be able to make a blueberry version. Thank you thank you!
Beautiful post! I remember growing up, we used to go pick blackberries, and my grandmother would make pies with them. They were so tasty! I love your post because it makes it seem so simple to make your cobbler. I’m not a pastry baking type girl, and it usually seems like something that is a bit intricate. Maybe I’ll make a blackberry (or another fruit) cobbler soon with your simple recipe. Thanks for posting this:-)
Gorgeous photos! And I love the recipe, it’s so easy!
Such beautiful photography!
Sounds lovely! I have a tin of peaches in the kitchen I might surprise Jack this evening when he gets hone 🙂 x
This looks delicious. Blackberries are in the shops now it’s summer in Australia. I will make it but I have no idea what a ‘stick of butter’ is? Never seen this in Australian recipes? Can anyone help me?
looks really great .. I’d like to make something like that 😉 :)))
My grandmother grew up in the south, and this was HER cobbler. It’s the only dessert I ever remember her making, and now it’s one of my favorites. Every summer, she would send us out to the Seattle Wilds around her house with a board and a bucket, to pick blackberries. We grumbled…but were secretly thrilled, because we knew it meant blackberry cobbler in February. If you let the butter brown, and then use brown sugar….it’s amazing. It makes toffee around the edges. Yum. Thanks for posting!! Your post is GORGEOUS.
Mmmm, that looks fabulous!
yummy is the word!!!
Love your pictures!
Thanks for sharing! I am a BIG fan of blackberries so I know I’m going to try it. I have never made cobbler, your recipe inspires me to try it.
omg this looks soooo good!! def going to try!!
Looks amazing! Gorgeous photos too 🙂
Mmmm that looks delicious! 🙂
You are merciless, making me scroll down past such beautiful pictures of blackberries, which I love, before telling me how to make the cobbler. We collected wild blackberries in New Jersey when I was young, but we just ate them as is. No one we knew used them to cook with. In college days I saw blackberry pies on sale in Oregon–an epiphany–but I never got to eat a piece of one until 15 years later! Your recipe is so simple. Thank you.
Oh, what I would give for some of that right now..
I love blackberries and this look amazing, I am not much of a baker but I am willing to learn!
WOW that looks uber delicious =O
awesome eats
I would tasteee to have one of these!!! :DDD
Please! XXDDD
i always try and have a love affair with said blackberries at least twice a year 😉 wonderful, wonderful…wonderful!!!
It looks delicious!!!!
Looks delicious! 😀 I’ll definitely have to try this recipe!
I enjoyed your post very much…even more so since I’m an east coast girl that’s moved to Texas and back again. And speaking of which, the landscape is turning white tonight. =)
The cobbler looks very enticing indeed.. Lovely pictures!!
Yum! I love cobbler and have a different recipe. Love the idea of the buttermilk. Will definitely try this. Your blog is great and motivates me to write in mine again. Aaah, need more hours in the day for baking and blogging.
Sounds Declious! I will have to mke it this chilly weekend.
I’m with your mom, I don’t bake either! But this looks good. I might try it.
*droooools* Beautifully done. I can’t wait to try it. You can never go wrong with buuuuuutter.
I loved the cobbler. The old sifter and spoon were a nice touch to the photography. I love food blogs as long as the photography is good. I’ll be back!
Okay, so, I live in Alberta where this past week it dipped to -37 degrees Celsius in my neck of the woods. I hate winter — the only time I like it is when the snow is softly falling on a night with a full moon and the temp is about -5 degrees Celsius. Which NEVER happens, so . . .
Glad you enjoy your lovely memories of it.
I printed off the recipe right away it sounded so good and just the thing we need during this cold spell.
Congrats on being FP’d.
This looks lovely! Your blog makes me hungry 🙂
It’s hard to go wrong with a recipe that has a stick of butter in it. Mm, butter.
Love, love, LOVE this post! Your pics are gorgeous!! Have you had any training? Gorgeous!
Thank you! No training, just trial and error. I need some formal training though. One of these days…
Omilord, that looks so damn good *drool*
Love the post. Recipe is so simple yet a great one.
Congrats on being Freshly Pressed! Looks good, would love to try it, but please could you tell me how much a stick of butter weighs?
It’s a 1/2 cup or 4 oz. or 1/4 lb. Hope this helps!
Thanks – we don’t have “sticks” of butter in Oz. Now I know how, I shall try it. Blackberry season here in a couple of months.
Yeah, i want to eat something now 🙂
You are making me wish it was blackberry season here! I will have to try this, looks much easier than baking a pie.
it loooks totally delicious <3
Oh, wow. This sure does look amazing. Lovely to discover your blog also! 🙂
Agreed, glad to discover this blog! Please check out our latest post. You’ll be glad you did.
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful dish. I can taste the subtle crunchiness of the blackberries and the sweet creaminess of the ice cream. Connie
Looks delicious!
Delicious photos – must give it a go. Here a cobbler has a scone type mix topping, a batter must give a totally different eating experience. 🙂
I wish I could eat this from the screen. It looks so simple and delicious!
Blackberry … hmmm. Sounds good. And I’m an Android kind of guy. 😉
Absolutely delish. Looks gorgeous, too. Thank you for recipe. Going to try it.
This looks absolutely sensational! 🙂
The butter melts seperately? Intersting! I will have to try this! Cobbler is simply amazing!
LOVE the name of your blog! I’m living in Texas but from the Great White North originally. I miss the crunch of snow.
This reminds me so much of growing up in Georgia. Of going in the woods past our yard to pick blackberries, then coming home and begging our mom to make us a cobbler. I can’t WAIT to go home and make one tonight 🙂
You really can’t go wrong with cobbler topped with ice cream. Blackberry is one of my absolute favorites.
That is amazing! The pictures and the recipe. Will try this the next time I get the chance. I love baking too and yes, it does taste so much better than anything store bought. My favourite recipe right now is an italian apple cake :)).
Reading your text and looking at the photos made me miss home too 🙁
Unlike your mom, my mother loves cooking, and I miss so much the smell of her just-baked cakes on rainy days, served with a cup of milk…
Oh, this looks so tasty! Looks so easy to do too – thanks for the suggestion!
I know what I am making for dessert the next time it is my turn for the ‘special’ meal. thanks for the recipe.
Beautiful photos and writing! Love how the recipe is so easy — really want to make this now. First though, I need to discover the British equivalent to buttermilk…
You can add a tablespoon of lemon or white vinegar to milk. Let sit for 5 minutes (it’ll curdle a bit) and you’re golden!
Looks fantastic!
Love the easy guide to remembering the recipe your mom taught you! Any dessert that’s baked & delightful should always contain a whole stick of butter, otherwise I’m doubtful from the start! ^_^ Great post – it makes me want to find some blackberries this weekend to try this recipe! Looking forward to more recipes & checking your archives. Stay blessed ~Marianne ^_~.
That looks YUMM!!
I’ve been missing cobbler for a while. Love the memory based recipie too!
Thanks for the recipe. When the freezing rain stops and it warms up a bit I’ll buy some blackbereies and make a cobbler. I enjoy your blogging style.
Yummiest looking Cobbler!!!
great!i love it…it looks really delicious!
So simple! I must try this…
Love your food ideas. Added you to my facebook page :}
This looks wonderful! I’m from Texas and totally get where you are coming from. No hate – just understanding.
You’re like me, my mom hates to bake but I’m obsessed as well. I think its because my grandma would watch me during the summer and we’d bake almost daily.
Anyway, it looks amazing I’m going to have to try it!
This is beautiful!! I am tempted to try this at home! Congrats on being freshly pressed 🙂
Looks beautiful and delicious! Congrats on being freshly pressed!
your writing is so beautiful and stimulating! i could actually taste the cobbler !! i am very fond of baking too 🙂 thanks so much!
This looks really good and the photos are beautiful.
This is a beautiful post that left me wanting cobbler AND family! Something about ice cream melting over warm dessert invites memories of holidays and family lingering over the table. I’m going to get cooking…
I love a good cobbler recipe, and this one’s going in my files to try… I’m an ex-Texan too–that summer heat drove me away to the land of FOUR seasons (Philadelphia, in my case)!
I’m glad I’m not alone!
i love using fresh berries in the summer. Thanks for the recipe!
Sweet! I might just want to try that! I think maybe blueberries will also work 🙂
yum! and these photos are amazing!
I’ll definitely try to make this – looks great.
Hope you don’t mind, but I had to paste this to my twitter account.
I don’t mind at all! You’ll have to make this before the diet starts 🙂
Ooh, you didn’t. I love-love-love this desert. My grandmother made the best, and I love blackberries. I am definitely marked this recipe and make it maybe this weekend. And, man, I really don’t need it – it’s getting time to get back on the old diet. Thanks for the memories.
I’m in love!!!! I’m totally drooling, too. That looks soooo delicious!
Looks yummi…nice photos also 🙂
Looks so good! If you like baking, I am doing a Project 12 on my blog…a different pound cake each month. I’m a Texas girl too, living in Houston but soon moving back home to Dallas (but I don’t like to be cold!). 🙂 I’ll have to check out your baking periodically. [You can read:, Project 12:1 – Buttermilk. I have at least one other person baking along with me!] All the best.
Hi! I really love your blog! the pictures are really lovely and easy and pleasant to look at. Have you made or ever considered making a cookbook? 🙂
And i am sooo gonna try and make Blackberry Cobbler!
Have a great day!
Oh man, you are too kind! A cookbook is out of my league.
This looks amazing – definitely following your blog! 🙂
My goodness, looks delicious!!!!!!!!!
Just in case there are other non USA people reading this (like me!) 1 stick of butter is half a cup 🙂 (just googled it because I didn’t know what a ‘stick of butter’ was!)
Looks delicious, thanks for sharing the recipe and congrats on being Freshly Pressed! Thanks also to Celeste for commenting about the stick of butter….. I’ve always wondered how much that is 😉
Thanks Celeste!
No problem! Going to try out this recipe tomorrow 🙂
This looks amazing but I’ve never understood the cup measurement in all American recipies.
How many grams in a cup? Or at least what kind of cup? A teacup, a mug?
I will be massively grateful if you could illuminate this for me! 🙂
Sorry I didn’t include it! It’s a 1/2 cup or 4 oz. or 1/4 lb. or 113.5 gr. Hope this helps!
It looks delicious …. should not we try it. It was tempting … so want to eat it.
WOW! Looks amazing! Ñam, ñam…
Oh wow, this looks delicious! 🙂
Wahou it looks sooo yummy I’m starving i want one, the pictures are simply beautiful 🙂
I love any type of berries. Yummeee 🙂
Looks so nice! Any ideas on European measurements? Particularly the butter? I’m not sure how much a ‘stick’ is… thanks!
Ah! So sorry I didn’t include it. It’s a 1/2 cup or 4 oz. or 1/4 lb.
Looks gorgeous!
That pudding looks amazing! It’s making me hungry.
Thank you for sharing. Easy & delicious!
yummi, this is looking very good!! I´m hungry now=) Love blackberries . Love, Jana.
Looks fabulous and probably tastes even more divine! Love your blog!!
This looks very very nice.
I’m gonna have to try it!
you’ve got a lovely blog!
Nice pictures. I love cake
wooww… looks delicius ….yummyy… 🙂
Looks delicious.
looks very delicious.
looks and sounds delicious!
Awesome recipe, awesome pictures… amazing blog! Follower from now on! 🙂
seems it,s a delicious meal does will eating the all but what is the recipes you begin even for make method you smile wile you will sat it,s inevitably crave.
What a simple, easy to bake recipe. Love the pictures too. A must try
I love anything with blackberries! This looks so yummyyyyy
Ok, so I may have had oatmeal with delicious blackberries for breakfast, and also enjoyed some blackberries for lunch and dinner. And yes, I might be dreaming of summer weather and picking blackberries somewhere in the South near where I grew up, versus the cold wind and weather of NYC. However, all of my cravings for blackberries aside, first let me say that your pictures are perfect, and your recipe was extremely easy to follow. I actually read your blog a bit earlier, but got so excited about the prospect of making cobbler with my remaining blackberries that I forgot to post and say two words – THANK YOU! Now that I am eating cobbler with a cold glass of milk, I mean it even more. You are awesome, and this was a great post!
Yeah! So glad you liked it. Huge smile on my face right now!
Lovely pictures ^.^~
that’s the real BlackBerry not the device…. 🙂
Your description of all the mouth watering cobblers has me craving them. It looks scrumptious!
Yummy! saw this on pinterest. I will have to try it!!!
This looks beautiful, and I love the ease of the recipe! It’s the middle of peach season here in Australia, but I’m thinking of a best of both worlds scenario – blackberries AND peaches AND icecream of course!
It’s SUCH a pleasure to meet your blog!
Catherine @ The Spring
Blackberries and peaches? Love! Thanks for saying hey!
If your mom can bake a cobbler, she’s more of a baker than my mom! Looks delish.
It may be a close tie. Bake off? 🙂
Looks delicious! Great photos.
Stumbled across this page. Started pinning and ended up here. Love this. They are so cute in the little dishes! Bought some berries today! Think I’ll have to try this!
I love this recipe. It’s so easy! I add a teaspoon of vanilla to the batter for a little extra love. 🙂
Just gorgeous, I love this! I find the simplest recipes to be the most beautiful! And funny, as I read about your mom, it reminded me that mine was the polar opposite. Hated to cook, loved to bake. But who could hate making this cobbler?
I can’t wait until peach season to try this with fresh peaches! Beautiful post!
Can you use frozen fruit in the recipe?
I don’t see why not. You may want to coat the fruit in a tablespoon of flour before pouring it in. This will keep it from dropping straight to the bottom.
The photos in this post are so lovely. Beautiful work.
My mother totally doesn’t care to bake. I think it’s because she’s always worried about eating too many sweets 🙂 Cobbler is one of my favorite winter desserts…so versatile!
Such a simple recipe – I can’t wait to try it out with some peaches in the summer.
This looks amazing!! Love it – I can’t wait for blackberry season where I live! 🙂
this is so true, my mom also makes the best things ever, this cobbler simply looks amazing
I love the simplicity of this recipe and would easily enjoy it for a winter breakfast.
Breakfast? I like the way you think!
I’m from Texas and I can understand disliking the heat. Having worked out in extreme heat and frigid cold, I know you can almost always put on more clothes, but there’s only so many you can take off!
That said, people who love snow are almost always those who never had to work out in it. If you like to ski, I can understand it, but at least you can go inside to warm up whenever you like. It would be all right to sit in front of a roaring fireplace looking out at the “winter wonderland” through a picture window while sipping on a nice glass of brandy, but I’ve never had that luxury. Take my word on it: frostbite ain’t much fun.
Also,I’ve always dreaded getting those huge gas bills. I have some royalties from a few oil and gas wells – during the summer, they’re next-to-nothing and during the winter the checks are much larger, but sometimes they don’t cover my utility bill.
Sorry for the rant – just one of my pet peeves. Found this post (a great one!)via my Foodgawker feed.
This looks wonderful. I can’t wait to make it tonight. I love your writing style as well! Fun and simple, and clean. Way to go! It is so fun to meet new people through their blogs. Thanks for the great recipe:)
Thanks for your kind words and for saying hey!
Just found your blog. Pretty pics that just pop on the simple, elegant blog design.
Beautiful! Your pictures are always so lovely.
This looks great, but honestly…any recipe that calls for “a cup, a cup, a cup, a stick” has to be good! I can’t believe how easy this recipe is. What a stunner.
OH MAN this looks glorious. Hello blackberry bursts and melty ice cream. It’s been a while since I’ve had cobbler… my mom made it a lot growing up, too. Talk about comfort food.
I love the simpleness of your cup, cup, cup, stick recipe but I’ve never used self rising flour before… could it be substituted with all purpose flour and something else?
Good question! You can make your own. Just add 1 1/4 tsp. of baking powder and 1/8 tsp. salt.
You want to know something crazy? I’ve never made cobbler. Ever. And I never knew it was so simple. Tragedy!
I love a good cobbler, and this looks amazing!
I want to eat this for breakfast…
Beautiful photos! This is different than the cobblers here. I like the idea of filling the batter with fruit rather than topping the fruit with pastry as we do here.
Hi. You’re, um…TALENTED. Would you mind sticking this cobbler into my mouth?
This looks splendidly yummy! Awesome.
This looks great! My mom doesn’t like baking either. It’s weird, isn’t it? She actually hates baking. She doesn’t like the measuring, and yadda yadda. This is an easy recipe, which is awesome. Not much to remember and most of the ingredients already in the fridge/pantry 🙂 welcome back!!
It’s funny, my mother is not interested in baking at all either. I always think that is one of the reasons that I like it so much! A beautiful post.
Wow Melissa! What a great recipe to get from your mom! So simple, yet it looks so delicious. The pictures are wonderful too. I want to take a bite!
I will no remember — a cup, a cup, a cup, a stick 🙂
Yes, Yes, Yes! I am drooling right now over the beauty of this cobbler! I just baked a batch of blackberry muffins but they are no longer tempting after looking at this beauty! Thank God for blackberries.
Blackberries are my favorite! Gorgeous post!
I was simply thumbing through some random posts and saw this beautiful entry. I agree, Maria! This is a gorgeous post!
I want that whole thing. This is beautiful, Melissa!
PS – everyone (including me) LOVES my cowl! You are awesome!
Yeah! So glad you love it! Warms my heart.