Moms' Lucky Black-Eyed Peas | @thefauxmartha

My mom’s from the south. My dad’s from the north. I grew up with both stuffing and cornbread dressing at holidays to appease the palettes of either pole. But come New Years Day, her southern menu was always on the table. My mom made pork, black-eyed peas, and broccoli casserole (in place of collard or turnip greens). This meal is said to bring health, luck, and prosperity. Maybe the lack of this meal has been your problem all these years? Kidding. I’m no poster child, but tradition keeps me making this menu, especially her black-eyed peas. Read more

Christmas on a Plate | The Fauxmartha

Every year it happens. A new Christmas in a _____ is born. Though, I had to change my preposition from in to on this year. This year I give you: Christmas on a Plate. It might be the easiest and prettiest of the bunch.  Read more

Ginger Snap Whoopie Pies from The Faux Martha

When it comes to December, I have one thing in mind: how to consume as many peppermint spiked treats possible in 31 days (and make sure my “skinny” jeans still fit). It’s kinda like binge-listening to Christmas music for the month of December. But coming off an 11-month fast is hard, indulgent, and a little bit dangerous. So if you’re anything like me, and you need to cool it from peppermint for a short minute, make Ginger Snap Whoopie Pies. Read more

Peppermint Mocha | The Fauxmartha

What will you be known for? Me? Most likely waffles with wheat flour. Baked Donuts with wheat flour. And homemade lattes that rival the $4+ variety. Now up on the bar, a Peppermint Mocha—the drink that first turned me on to coffee. It was high school. Senior year. I was walking through Target. Have I told this story before? Read more

Sweet Potato Taco Soup | The Fauxmartha

It’s that time of year when people gather in droves. Sweaters, Bing Crosby, bubbly drinks, and twinkly lights fill center stage. In the background, the haggard hostess dances around the kitchen for hours, prepping a meal for many—the ones she loves most. Near meal time, it’s inevitable. She questions the depth of her love due to the stress, sweat, and need for another shower.  Read more

Kitchen Sink Bark from The Faux Martha

Dessert is an afterthought for us during winter. By afterthought I mean—we think about it once it’s too late to make anything. It’s never forgotten. We usually ditch our always-at-the-ready ice cream until the weather warms, unless Talenti is on sale. In that case, we just turn up the heat. Lately though, I’ve been filling my little ice cream bowl with granola and dark chocolate chunks just before bed. I know something’s good when Kev follows suit. (He’s been following suit).  Read more

Thanksgiving from scratch | @thefauxmartha

Before I say Happy Thanksgiving, I wanted to leave you with my made from scratch Thanksgiving menu. Don’t skip the White Wine Gravy, Cranberry Walnut Stuffing, or the Maple Pumpkin Pie. Hallmarks! I’ve included make-ahead instructions when possible. To pull this off, I recommend creating a schedule for both the preparation and the oven. Here’s mine. Finally, read through the recipes a couple times a day or so in advance to familiarize yourself. It’s kind of like studying for a test except way more fun, and you can bring all your notes. Read more

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