Baked Maple Donuts | @thefauxmartha

Baked Maple Donuts. Deadlines. Colds. Finally catching up. Fall break. No school. Not on the calendar. Mom fail. Deadlines dropped. Donuts flopped. Behind again. More baked maple donut testing. Needs maple extract. Nowhere to be found. Amazon Prime? Text Oh, Ladycakes for maple extract recommendation. Frontier Co-op. Call Whole Foods. Run to Whole Foods. Maple flavor secured. One step closer.  Read more

baked pumpkin donuts from the faux martha

In another life, I’d like to have a baked donut truck. Freshly roasted baked pumpkin donuts and baked apple cider donuts would make up our entire fall line-up. We’d close with the exit of the last donut. I’m not sure what name we’d plaster to the side of the donut truck, but our tagline would be: always baked, never fried. We’d disclose that these baked pumpkin donuts were built with wheat flour and partially sweetened with honey. Though they wouldn’t believe us. These are the things of my daydreams. Read more

Baked Blueberry Donuts | @thefauxmartha

If you’ve never tried baked blueberry cake donuts, today is your lucky day. Believe it or not, I was never a huge donut lover growing up. But give me baked blueberry cake donuts? Don’t ask for a bite. When I was a kid, the baked blueberry cake donuts shelf was the only one I looked to during my Dunkin’ D visits growing up. If it was empty, another flavor wouldn’t do. I didn’t even mind the awful film it left in my mouth.  Read more

Baked Apple Cider Donuts from The Faux Martha

I like round food. Pizza, baked donuts, biscuits. I guess I should clarify, I like round food with flour. Wheat flour if possible. I’ve passed this trait on to Hal (along with my stubbornness). Couldn’t some of my better qualities seep through to her? The good news—meal times are rarely, if ever, a fight, as long as I get food on the table fast enough. In that case, she’s exactly like her dad. Food. Now. You can see how this is a problem for someone who likes to make everything from scratch, especially Baked Apple Cider Donuts. Read more

Mix and Match Donuts | The Fauxmartha

If you’ve been around here long enough, you know I like my donuts baked not fried. I know, I’m an anomaly (apart from the fried donuts I recently found at the farmer’s market that nearly made me forget about these). I also like one solid recipe per baked treat. And when it’s all-natural too, my heart goes pitter patter. Read more

Baked Glazed Chocolate Donuts from The Faux Martha

Nothing quite says touchdown! like baked glazed chocolate donuts. Am I right? You should definitely add these gems to your Super Bowl menu. The fellas will go gaga over them. I’m only kidding. Make them now, or tomorrow, or any other day. But maybe not for the big match. Not kidding—I just found out the Super Bowl is this Sunday. Read more

Lemon Poppyseed Muffin | The Fauxmartha

Breaking news these days—the babe slept in her crib, therefore her room, for the first time this week. All by herself. We’re lame and already miss having her in our room. She also only woke up once to feed. And then slept in the swing the next morning, which she’s hated abhorred up until this point. Sweet, tiny victories. I took advantage of having both hands free and made doughnuts from Ashley’s new book, Baked Doughnuts for Everyone. Read more

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