Salt as you go. This may be the simplest of tips, but it will vastly improve your meals. I used to think salting at the end would flavor an entire dish, but it did just the opposite, leaving my meals either extremely under or over salted. I guess you could say—a little salt along the way, goes a long way. Have you tried cooking with freshly ground sea salt? Even better.

As always, taste as you go.

Baked Sweet Potato Fries | @thefauxmartha

I’ve been craving bad things. Things I gave up years ago and promised myself I wouldn’t eat again. Things that always leave me full of regret and craving nutrient-rich food. I’m hoping this is a short phase of pregnancy. Because Pizza Hut pan pizzas and massive amounts of ice cream must end. Though moderate amounts of ice cream are welcome. Very welcome. That’s one thing I’ll never give up. Read more

A couple weeks ago, we had friends over for the first time since moving to Connecticut. It was monumental. I had been putting it off for weeks. Things still felt a little out of place. My desk area was a disaster. And our kitchen still looked too tiny to prepare a meal for more than two. But we did it. We christened it. And now it feels like home. Read more

Once upon a time, I ate a tasty little cookie filled with Nutella, chocolate, and oats from a charming local bakery. In hopes of finding its recipe, I searched the interwebs far and wide. Tragically, the search turned up empty. And I turned up sad.

Left with no other choice and a sprinkle of fairy dust, the recipe writing began. A crispy chocolate cookie was in order. One that holds it shape. Yes! Dark chocolate, all the better. This cookie better be great. So I started with the lovely Smitten Kitchen’s Oreo recipe. Read more

The Food Matters Project is back again. Every Monday from now until who knows when, I’ll be participating. Sharing bits and pieces of my food journey along the way. At least that’s the plan. However, Monday after next I’ll be ditching out to bring you a special announcement—Where in the world are we moving? Or not moving. In the meantime I’ll be biting my nails or eating (small) handfuls of this. Save me. Read more

I’m on an ice cream kick. Have you noticed? Third post of the summer. Sorry if it’s getting redundant, but dwelling in Chicago requires living up summer as much as possible. In a few short months winter will be here—for six loooonnngg months. Therefore, I must make and eat as much ice cream as possible. Forgive me hips. Read more

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