Moms' Lucky Black-Eyed Peas | @thefauxmartha

My mom’s from the south. My dad’s from the north. I grew up with both stuffing and cornbread dressing at holidays to appease the palettes of either pole. But come New Years Day, her southern menu was always on the table. My mom made pork, black-eyed peas, and broccoli casserole (in place of collard or turnip greens). This meal is said to bring health, luck, and prosperity. Maybe the lack of this meal has been your problem all these years? Kidding. I’m no poster child, but tradition keeps me making this menu, especially her black-eyed peas. Read more

Thanksgiving from scratch | @thefauxmartha

Before I say Happy Thanksgiving, I wanted to leave you with my made from scratch Thanksgiving menu. Don’t skip the White Wine Gravy, Cranberry Walnut Stuffing, or the Maple Pumpkin Pie. Hallmarks! I’ve included make-ahead instructions when possible. To pull this off, I recommend creating a schedule for both the preparation and the oven. Here’s mine. Finally, read through the recipes a couple times a day or so in advance to familiarize yourself. It’s kind of like studying for a test except way more fun, and you can bring all your notes. Read more

Browned Butter Pumpkin Bread from Melissa Coleman of The Faux Martha

A couple weeks ago when it was still warm enough to make you sweat, we stopped by a lemonade stand on the corner of the street. We chatted with and met new neighbors. I was juggling a cup of lemonade and a nap-ready, wiggly baby while trying to keep four new names straight. (I’m abnormally good with faces but adversely awful with names.) A homeless woman walked up, put her change down on the table without hesitation, and walked away with a cup of lemonade in hand and a smile on her face. My mind was a thousand different places, but present enough to absorb that brief moment.

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Pumpkin Scones from the faux martha

I’d make these pumpkin scones once a week if my hips could lie. I never really thought to put pumpkin into a scone. But then again, I don’t think about a lot of things. My soon-to-be-neighbor Lucy asked how I come up with recipes. I told her I wish I could attribute it to my brilliantly creative mind. But alas, my mind is neither brilliant or creative when it comes to recipes. I’m kind of a Plain Jane when it comes to food. These pumpkin scones might be the exception.  Read more

Maple Pumpkin Latte Syrup | @thefauxmartha

Let me start out by saying—put down your dukes. Have you read the news? This is a heated subject—Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Put out your hand. Mine’s out too. Let’s shake. We’re all still friends here no matter how we take, or don’t take, the PSL. Agreed? Agreed. I’ve been using my mom voice a lot lately. It’s weirding me out too.

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Quick Summer Pasta | The Fauxmartha

I’m gonna miss summer dishes that come together in the time it takes water to boil and pasta to cook. Dishes that only involve a couple chops and stirs. Dishes that are best when left uncomplicated, like this one. I’m not even sure what to call it. Quick Summer Pasta will do. It’s served us well this summer, again and again and again. It’s almost too simple to post. Then again, that’s the beauty of it. (Speaking of beauty, read on for a chance to win a set of two pictured handmade linen dinner napkins from StitchNY.) Read more

Spring Pesto | The Fauxmartha

I have a favorite guy at the farmer’s market. He’s probably a bit older than my dad. His hair is white and his skin sun-kissed. His eyes are a soft trustworthy blue with well worn lines around them which tells me he smiles a lot. But most importantly, he has dirt under his fingernails. If his eyes weren’t already trustworthy enough.  Read more

Orange Rosemary Muffins | The Fauxmartha

I found spring at Trader Joe’s for $1.49. Well, hello little daffodils. I also found that after reading 547 children’s books you start talking like one. There’s no such thing as an inanimate object anymore. So to that end I say, goodbye Winter.
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