One last recipe before the year end. And here I sit in disbelief that I just typed “year end”. Truth be told, this is my least favorite time of year. The hype of Christmas has passed. The tree is still up but sits lonely and unlit in the corner. It’s trunk bare with opened gifts that have since found new homes. The sun shines brightly trying to uplift my disposition. But seems to do just the opposite as I wish for overcast mornings. For snow covered streets. For the quietness of winter. It’s not time for the bright and cheery. It’s not time to press restart again. Or is it? Read more

After-Thanksgiving-detox, this one’s for you. There’s not a bad thing about this soup. I didn’t even slip in half and half like I usually do. It’s vegan and vegetarian friendly to boot. Besides chopping up some veggies, this soup is simply effortless. Dump the ingredients in a dutch oven and step back. Fit in a quick workout. Pack a lunch for tomorrow. Pluck your eyebrows. Throw in a load of laundry. Or bake healthy chocolate chip cookies. Just let it be. It’s that kind of soup. Read more

Chicken Noodle Soup | The Fauxmartha

You’ll be wanting this Saturday when you can’t stand to eat another turkey sandwich. Throw all that leftover turkey in a soup and call it chicken noodle soup. You’ll be happy, fooled, and filled with something other than a turkey sandwich. Chicken works beautifully the other 363 days of the year. Read more



Last fall I froze a ton of fresh pumpkin, which is now sitting alongside the fresh cranberries I froze from the winter before. I have this tendency to think that I’m going to want seasonal produce year around. So I stock up like the overly zealous squirrels down the street. At the beginning of the month, I had 4 servings of pumpkin to use before I’d allow myself to buy more pumpkins. So I made pumpkin bread as soon as the summer temperatures dropped. And then [insert dramatic pause] I came across a recipe for pumpkin oreo tarts from Lauren’s Latest. Read more

Step away from the phone. Put down those coupons. Let’s talk through this.

What if I told you that you could make homemade pizza in less time than it takes the pizza man to deliver? Including the crust. Most definitely including the crust. And what if I told you it would taste a trillion times better? And amount to zero calories? Ok, the last part is not true. Read more

“And you’ve totally redeemed yourself,” I said after taking one bite. Before making these banana muffins, I made zucchini/carrot bread. I couldn’t wait to share how something so healthy could taste so divine. Instead it ended up tasting like cardboard with a hint zucchini. Sadly, it even looked like cardboard. I threw away the bread after trying to salvage it by dressing it up as french toast. Nope, nothing can mask the taste of cardboard. Read more

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