In another life, I’d like to have a baked donut truck. Freshly roasted baked pumpkin donuts and baked apple cider donuts would make up our entire fall line-up. We’d close with the exit of the last donut. I’m not sure what name we’d plaster to the side of the donut truck, but our tagline would be: always baked, never fried. We’d disclose that these baked pumpkin donuts were built with wheat flour and partially sweetened with honey. Though they wouldn’t believe us. These are the things of my daydreams. Read more
I’d make these pumpkin scones once a week if my hips could lie. I never really thought to put pumpkin into a scone. But then again, I don’t think about a lot of things. My soon-to-be-neighbor Lucy asked how I come up with recipes. I told her I wish I could attribute it to my brilliantly creative mind. But alas, my mind is neither brilliant or creative when it comes to recipes. I’m kind of a Plain Jane when it comes to food. These pumpkin scones might be the exception. Read more
Roasted pumpkin purée makes all the difference. Preheat oven to 325°. Wash sugar pumpkin clean. Cut three 1-inch slits in the pumpkin to allow it to breath. Add pumpkin and an inch of water to a shallow pan. Bake for about an hour or until pumpkin is soft. Cool completely. Peel and discard seeds. Mash pumpkin meat and store covered in the refrigerator, or measure out 1-cup bags and store in freezer.
Last fall I froze a ton of fresh pumpkin, which is now sitting alongside the fresh cranberries I froze from the winter before. I have this tendency to think that I’m going to want seasonal produce year around. So I stock up like the overly zealous squirrels down the street. At the beginning of the month, I had 4 servings of pumpkin to use before I’d allow myself to buy more pumpkins. So I made pumpkin bread as soon as the summer temperatures dropped. And then [insert dramatic pause] I came across a recipe for pumpkin oreo tarts from Lauren’s Latest. Read more