I slathered the first year of motherhood with nutella. (There’s proof of that right here.) It needed it—for both the protein and the indulgence. If there had been enough time to go to the doctor, they would have diagnosed me with a deficit of both and prescribed a jar of nutella. So a slather a day it was. I’m exaggerating only slightly. Read more
I debated—do I update the Salted Nutella Latte recipe that sparked this search for a Nutella Syrup and run the risk of you not seeing it, or do I give it the spotlight it deserves with a new post? The decision was an easy one—make sure no one misses this recipe. The original latte recipe, which I’ll leave intact, calls for heating milk and Nutella in the microwave until combined, then adding/making simple syrup. It’s a bit cumbersome (and unfit for an iced version) but when Nutella is involved, one will go to great lengths. I have good news and bad news friends: I’ve removed the great lengths part. Read more
Things are on repeat around here. Nutella, Nutella, Nutella. I wasn’t going to share this recipe until I mentioned it last post and a couple of you said—forget the buttercream, show us the latte. Or something like that. I heard you. There’s a Salted Nutella Latte, extra shot, light foam, no whip, easy on the sweetener, ready on the bar for you. Read more
A couple weeks ago my mom came into town. She was going to watch Hal while I got so caught up on work I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Instead I spent most of the week hanging out with her and making Nutella Lattes. I also spent a good amount of time just watching her with Hal. Not the controlling over-the-shoulder kind of watching. More so the how-did-you-do-that kind of watching. Read more
Once upon a time, I ate a tasty little cookie filled with Nutella, chocolate, and oats from a charming local bakery. In hopes of finding its recipe, I searched the interwebs far and wide. Tragically, the search turned up empty. And I turned up sad.
Left with no other choice and a sprinkle of fairy dust, the recipe writing began. A crispy chocolate cookie was in order. One that holds it shape. Yes! Dark chocolate, all the better. This cookie better be great. So I started with the lovely Smitten Kitchen’s Oreo recipe. Read more