Last week when I launched my new site, I couldn’t tell you the full story. Like who did the backend of my site, because goodness knows I didn’t do it. Well, the secret is out. I’ve been in cahoots with another food blogger. You probably know her—Erin of Naturally Ella. She is brilliant, incredibly patient, and does beautiful work. She made my site come to life. I’m happy to announce that we are going into business together! I’d like to introduce you to Wooden Spoons Kitchen. We create logos, define brands, and design websites for bloggers and small businesses. We even offer hosting. I’ll let you read all about it on our new site. Read more

Please excuse my absence while I’m not laying out on some exotic beach or hiking up some picturesque mountain. I’m taking a spring break from blogging. I’ll be back next week, fingers crossed, with some sweet new posts. In the meantime you can find me applying for jobs in New Haven, planning my sister’s bachelorette party, returning dusty emails, updating my Facebook page, or working on some top secret projects. Also known as—catching up on life. Be jealous. Or  better yet, have some fun for me. Please!?

Speaking of fun—I got to squeeze some in last weekend. Check it out! Read more

Stale bread?  No problem!  Cube up the bread, toss with a bit of olive oil and herbs (oregano, parsley, basil and rosemary to name a few), then bake at 375° until golden and crispy.  Voila! Perfect croutons for your spring/summer salads that last up to another two weeks!

—Erin, Naturally Ella

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