Lemonade | The Fauxmartha

When life gives you lemons, you squeeze them and make something good.

I have a list of recipes to work on and post for the remainder of the summer. I’ve never had a list like this before. Planning ahead is totally unlike me, but my brain capacity seems to be diminishing by the day. And ideas come to me as quickly as they fade. Lemonade was not on the list for this summer. Until last week, when we found a pile of lemons on our doorstep.  Read more

I am an herb killer. I’ve followed tips here and there without much luck. I don’t have an outdoor space to grow herbs, and my indoor herbs are far from thriving. Even the herbs I buy from the store seem to have a 2-day lifespan leaving me completely defeated. After digging some more, I came across Simply Recipe’s tip. Cut the stems of the fresh herbs as you would flowers. Place in a glass with about 3/4″ water. This is key—cover with a bag (I use the leftover bag I bought the herbs in) and place in the fridge, changing the water every couple of days. Talk about thriving—my cilantro and mint has never been happier. Side note—the fresh basil stayed on the counter, bag-less and is quite happy. How do you save your fresh herbs.

I don’t care much for baby carrots anymore. I ate them nearly every day at lunch for a solid year. Pretty sure it was the longest year of my life. Have you ever chewed one of those baby carrots? It takes about 5 minutes per carrot. And I always seemed to pack at least 10. That must equal about 4 whole carrots. Those little guys are deceptively dense and far more compact than any normal carrot. And their shape—it’s just a little too perfect. My hands used to turn orange during that time. It all makes sense now. I was eating wayyyy too many carrots. Read more

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