Sweet Potato Tacos | The Fauxmartha

I buy groceries, cook and eat three nutrient-rich meals a day, and do it all as involuntarily as my heart beats. I have plenty. More than plenty. And I take it for granted. I don’t think twice about adding more vegetables and fruits to my shopping cart. And lately more of the produce in my cart displays the organic sticker on its exterior, totaling my bill a little higher. I have plenty. But that’s not true of everyone—nearly 48.8 million Americans “lack the means to get enough nutritious food on a regular basis.” (source) Read more

Mom's Seven Layer Dip | @thefauxmartha

I don’t know much about football although I grew up in a football watching family. But I do know that the Super Bowl is always the first weekend in February. Right? And that food, lots of food is consumed. And maybe beer too although I never jumped on that bandwagon. I’m a wine girl. A cheap wine girl. Sorry Dad.    Read more

If you live in the U.S., you know what today is. The day those defaming political ads quit running on TV. Maybe today is a bit hopeful, but tomorrow—I’m counting on you. The recent days have been too dark.

In high school I painted. My schedule was filled with art classes. I liked it that way. We learned about complimentary colors—something I probably learned as a child but didn’t really understand. Complimentary colors are funny. They sit across from each other on the color wheel. Some may say they’re complete opposites. But when you put them next to each other, they are brighter and more beautiful. They’re complimentary. Read more

Good friends are hard to come by. They’re like gold when you find them. The same is true of a good recipe.

I took a last minute trip home to Dallas this weekend to see my friend and her newborn baby. We’ve been friends since 4th grade when we met on the soccer field. We played for the Wildcats. I was a defender. She was a defender. And the next thing you know we were jumping on her trampoline. Then came sleepover parties. Cookouts with our families. Dressing up like Pilgrims and Indians at Thanksgiving at an age I wont mention. Much too old to be dressing up. Or not. We hung out at her house nearly every weekend with the posse in highschool. I’d fall asleep on the couch early. It was a given. We went to prom together and graduated high school together. We separated for college but spent late nights talking at Starbucks over breaks. We walked down the isle at each others weddings. And then I moved away. We grew up. Became adults. Semi adults. And then she had a baby. The distance felt farther than the 1600+ miles Google maps displayed. So I flew home on a whim. Thanks Dad. Held the sweetest baby in the world. And saw my friend, once a Wildcat, become a mother. Pure gold. Read more

For my entire married life—4 years and counting—we’ve been eating Jack’s Garden Fresh Salsa. Purchased from Costco. It’s one of the main reasons this two person household has a membership. That and rolled oats. And then we moved to Connecticut. No Jack here. Read more

The second issue of Foodiecrush Magazine is alive and well. It’s filled with beautiful photography and stories from my favorite food bloggers around the web. This community is a crazy unique one. One I’m thankful to find myself in. Five years ago, had you asked me what I would be doing, food blogger would not have been mentioned. But sometimes life is so perfectly random—you land exactly where you’re supposed to. Smack in the middle between food, photography, stories, and design. Read more

I should be packing. And organizing. And throwing out things I haven’t touched in the past four years since moving to Chicago. I shouldn’t be blogging and baking and coming up with new recipes. I shouldn’t be running to Trader Joe’s to pick up bags of ingredients. Or setting up my white boards in front of the window to wait for the light to turn just right. Read more

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