Blender Dutch Baby | @thefauxmartha

“Dutch baby”. It’s kind of  a silly name for a breakfast item (which may be why it’s also known as a German Pancake). Yet, somewhere wedged in between the American pancake and the French crêpe sits this delicious Dutch breakfast delicacy. We consider the Dutch baby our second favorite baby, after Hallie of course (who is not Dutch in any way). And almost every Sunday morning when I have time to make breakfast, Hallie’s first request will be “Dutch Baby”. The blender Dutch baby takes some time and patience to perfect, but it’s really quite simple and quick to make once you get the hang of it.  Read more

Waffles, Yogurt, and Preserves | @thefauxmartha

We lived on the east coast for two short years while Kev completed his internship and post-doc work. We don’t fall under the adventurous category, but we made good use of our time driving up and down the coast—from Camden, Maine to St. Michaels, Maryland (where some of my extended family calls home). That’s 600 miles of very trafficked roads if you’re doing the math. Tucked between every other road trip, we found ourselves on the train to New York City—a city that stole my husband’s Oklahoma-born heart. Five months pregnant and celebrating Mother’s Day (though I didn’t feel like much of one yet), he walked and I waddled into a charming little spot called Tipsy Parson. That’s where I had the best waffle of my life. Read more

Maple Pumpkin Latte Syrup | @thefauxmartha

Let me start out by saying—put down your dukes. Have you read the news? This is a heated subject—Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Put out your hand. Mine’s out too. Let’s shake. We’re all still friends here no matter how we take, or don’t take, the PSL. Agreed? Agreed. I’ve been using my mom voice a lot lately. It’s weirding me out too.

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We eat a lot of waffles around here. I can do things on repeat forever and ever, but Kev needs variety. Inspired by I am a Food Blog, we flavored our syrup with fruit this weekend. Add chopped berries or stone fruit to a saucepan with a thin layer of water and cook on medium-high heat until bubbly, about 5-10 minutes. Add desired amount of maple syrup and warm through. Serve. For added flavor, drop in a sprig of fresh herbs while cooking.

For better or worse, I put down my fair share of lattes. The other day I found myself without simple syrup. (I like a tiny touch of sweetness.) I opened the fridge, stared, and my eyes landed on maple syrup. Why hadn’t I thought of this before? Now I put down my fair share of maple sweetened lattes. A little goes a long way.

I sat down to write this post last night. I wanted it to exude thankfulness in light of the upcoming holiday and this here Maple Pumpkin Pie. But I was far from feeling thankful last night. After a long day of 20-minute catnaps with a cranky babe, I thought I’d hand her over to Kev as soon as he walked in the door. After 5 minutes at home, he was called in. Dang. I forgot he was on call.

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Banana Nut Baked Oatmeal | The Fauxmartha

As Old Man Winter makes one last (fingers crossed) sweep across the US, let’s not forget all the warm breakfasts that have sustained us through the many grey days of winter. They’ll soon be replaced with lighter, chilled breakfasts that haven’t crossed our minds for months. In the flurry of baby and croissant excitement (is it bad those two events exist in the same sentence?), I nearly forgot to share one of those warm breakfasts—Banana Nut, sweetened with maple, Baked Oatmeal. I recently guest posted over at Turntable Kitchen while Kasey took a little maternity leave. I’m soaking up her new mom wisdom as much as I’m savoring the last of these warm breakfasts. Because before you know it, we’ll be complaining about the heat and sucking down homemade popsicles like there’s no tomorrow.  Read more

Whole Wheat Waffles | The Fauxmartha

Sunday morning. It’s quiet and overcast. The perfect light for photographing these whole wheat waffles. The Civil Wars are playing in the background from the speakers of Kev’s computer. Nothing fancy. $3 fresh flowers from the store sit on the messy table that needs to be cleaned. Something about it all reminds me, winter is just a season. The fog will soon lift. And the streets will bustle with activity and noise. But the quiet, that awkward, revealing sound I so often avoid, is majestic right now. Read more

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