Peanut Butter Balls | @thefauxmartha

“Email is a wonderful thing for people whose role in life is to be on top of things. But not for me; my role is to be on the bottom of things. What I do takes long hours of studying and uninterruptible concentration.” —Donald Knuth, a computer scientist

I added that quote to my email signature after Kev shared it with me. He knows my struggles. As of right now, the number 8855 is barely legible, set in white text on a red background, and hovering to the right of my email application. I’m a minimalist in most areas of life except my inbox. It’s a complete disaster. It gives me hives when I think about it, so I don’t. I have trouble pressing delete and unsubscribing from reoccurring emails. I mark every email as unread. And replies take at least a couple days for me to formulate my thoughts and sentiments. I live a paralyzed life when it comes to email. Read more

Honey Soy Roasted Chickpeas | @thefauxmartha

It started to show itself in the way I kept my hair. Or didn’t. In high school and college I washed, dried, and straightened my hair daily. It was a thing of beauty. Well kept. Perfectly in place. With no sign of unruly wave, even under all those thick, thick layers. It was a good representation of how I saw myself. Of how I saw the world. I was a straight-laced rule follower. My perspective looked a lot like the scenery of The Giver. Things were orderly. Things were black and white. So black and white. Read more

Baked Glazed Chocolate Donuts from The Faux Martha

Nothing quite says touchdown! like baked glazed chocolate donuts. Am I right? You should definitely add these gems to your Super Bowl menu. The fellas will go gaga over them. I’m only kidding. Make them now, or tomorrow, or any other day. But maybe not for the big match. Not kidding—I just found out the Super Bowl is this Sunday. Read more

A couple weeks ago, we had friends over for the first time since moving to Connecticut. It was monumental. I had been putting it off for weeks. Things still felt a little out of place. My desk area was a disaster. And our kitchen still looked too tiny to prepare a meal for more than two. But we did it. We christened it. And now it feels like home. Read more

The Food Matters Project is back again. Every Monday from now until who knows when, I’ll be participating. Sharing bits and pieces of my food journey along the way. At least that’s the plan. However, Monday after next I’ll be ditching out to bring you a special announcement—Where in the world are we moving? Or not moving. In the meantime I’ll be biting my nails or eating (small) handfuls of this. Save me. Read more

I had grand plans of posting twice this week. While on vacation. Ha! It’s now Thursday. And only by a Christmas miracle is this post live. I’ve been living it up responsibility-free for two weeks straight. Making these bracelets. And these cowls. Sitting by the fire with the A/C on (only in Texas). Sheer bliss. But it’s going to be a rough adjustment back into real life next Monday. Pray for me. Read more

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