When I take Hal to swimming lessons, Mr. Noah always asks, “What’s your favorite ice cream.” (He teaches them to swim by scooping ice cream through the water.) Hal always responds with, “Vanilla.” And Mr. Noah always waits, even after the vanilla proclamation, expecting a new ice cream flavor. A less, you know, vanilla flavor. No, not from this family. We love a good old-fashioned homemade vanilla ice cream. One that’s creamy and super scoopable straight out of the freezer with no trace of ice. That’s this recipe. Read more
I’m certain it was Maggie, founder of Eat Boutique, who turned me on to gifting food. Aside from trading turkeys made from Keebler Fudge Shoppe cookies, Rolos, and candy corns with neighbors growing up, the idea never crossed my mind. Two years ago, when we still lived on the east coast, we made the trek to Boston for Maggie’s annual Holiday Market. (Boston locals, it’s going on now! Details here.) The shelves of the market were filled with thoughtful, beautifully packaged, small batch food items. In that same spirit, Maggie recently published her first book, Food Gift Love. It’s full of homemade recipes for gifting—from pickled cucumbers to limoncello to candied blood orange rinds. I dog-eared her Salted Dark Caramel and prayed it was the caramel sauce recipe I’d been waiting for. The one I could actually replicate. It’s been my achilles heal since the first day I stepped foot in the kitchen. Not to sweet, almost burnt in flavor. That’s how she describes it. That’s also how my first successful caramel tasted. It worked! Read more
What will you be known for? Me? Most likely waffles with wheat flour. Baked Donuts with wheat flour. And homemade lattes that rival the $4+ variety. Now up on the bar, a Peppermint Mocha—the drink that first turned me on to coffee. It was high school. Senior year. I was walking through Target. Have I told this story before? Read more
Dessert is an afterthought for us during winter. By afterthought I mean—we think about it once it’s too late to make anything. It’s never forgotten. We usually ditch our always-at-the-ready ice cream until the weather warms, unless Talenti is on sale. In that case, we just turn up the heat. Lately though, I’ve been filling my little ice cream bowl with granola and dark chocolate chunks just before bed. I know something’s good when Kev follows suit. (He’s been following suit). Read more
I’ll never forget my first married Thanksgiving. We were young and poor and far away from family. I was determined to make my first Thanksgiving entirely from scratch. I took the liberty to nix certain staples off the menu and add some new ones. I cleaned, brined, and cooked the turkey all by myself. I was proud, so proud, until Kev saw the final spread. Read more
Crisp temperatures. Cozy couches. Comfort food. Lazy weekends. Sideways sun. Mug filled hands. Red tipped noses. Chunky knit socks. Blue faded jeans. Apple cider donuts. Wood crackling bonfires. She’s back in full force. Hi, Autumn.