Big Batch Apricot Muesli | @thefauxmartha

“Thank you.” Tears began welling just above the lower lid of my eyes as we handed the bag of muesli to her. Today was the last day of “school” for Hallie. We made a mega batch of muesli that not every bowl, stock pot, or container in our kitchen could hold. It was our way of saying thank you. But that bag of oats and apricots would never ever touch the deep, deep sentiment we felt in our hearts. I don’t say thank you much, or enough. In fact, I can’t tell you the last time I wrote a thank you card. It’s embarrassing. I never expect it myself, and when it’s given to me, I awkwardly change the subject.  Read more

Waffles, Yogurt, and Preserves | @thefauxmartha

We lived on the east coast for two short years while Kev completed his internship and post-doc work. We don’t fall under the adventurous category, but we made good use of our time driving up and down the coast—from Camden, Maine to St. Michaels, Maryland (where some of my extended family calls home). That’s 600 miles of very trafficked roads if you’re doing the math. Tucked between every other road trip, we found ourselves on the train to New York City—a city that stole my husband’s Oklahoma-born heart. Five months pregnant and celebrating Mother’s Day (though I didn’t feel like much of one yet), he walked and I waddled into a charming little spot called Tipsy Parson. That’s where I had the best waffle of my life. Read more

I didn’t go to school to study it. I’m guessing you didn’t either. (On the off chance that you did and can somehow still tolerate this space, I apologize for all the cringe-worthy sentence structures.) Yet somehow we’re all editors. I guess we’ve always been editors to a degree—choosing what we share and what we don’t. But now it’s forever stained into the internet—into your blog, your Instagram feed, and Facebook wall. It’s neatly housed in one space—to be read, to be enjoyed, to be critiqued as a body of work reflecting your life. Read more

Pumpkin Scones from the faux martha

I’d make these pumpkin scones once a week if my hips could lie. I never really thought to put pumpkin into a scone. But then again, I don’t think about a lot of things. My soon-to-be-neighbor Lucy asked how I come up with recipes. I told her I wish I could attribute it to my brilliantly creative mind. But alas, my mind is neither brilliant or creative when it comes to recipes. I’m kind of a Plain Jane when it comes to food. These pumpkin scones might be the exception.  Read more

We eat a lot of waffles around here. I can do things on repeat forever and ever, but Kev needs variety. Inspired by I am a Food Blog, we flavored our syrup with fruit this weekend. Add chopped berries or stone fruit to a saucepan with a thin layer of water and cook on medium-high heat until bubbly, about 5-10 minutes. Add desired amount of maple syrup and warm through. Serve. For added flavor, drop in a sprig of fresh herbs while cooking.

Weekend Biscuits with Wheat | The Fauxmartha

About a year ago, Kev asked if I could come up with a “less buttery” biscuit. I know, I  know. I can hear your gasps all the way over here. Why, WHY would you pull butter out of a biscuit? But in the name of compromise and making sure I could still make a tray of biscuits on Saturday morning for someone besides myself, I started hacking away at my old recipe. I didn’t delete all the butter. Please breathe already. Read more

Walnut Cacao Scones | The Fauxmartha

There’s this space between winter and summer, called spring, where seasonal, scone-worthy fruit is sparse. There’s also this space between tummy time and tummy time, called naptime, where free-time turns to precious gold. It’s in that space these scones were born—Walnut Cacao Scones. They come together in less than 30 minutes.  Read more

Mother's Day Brunch | The Fauxmartha

We’ve flown south to introduce Hallie to her extended family. I could do without the whole traveling-with-a-baby-thing but there’s nothing better than seeing Hal with her family. In other news, I’ve been working on a fun little download for Mother’s Day with Foodie—20 brunch recipes. It’s filled with recipes you’ve seen around here before but packaged in an easy to use app. Download for free and whip up something sweet for your momma! Read more

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