I’m an Instagram junkie. If I’m being honest, I love it more than blogging. It’s quick—like a text message rather than an email. I can text with the best of them. But email? I’m not even going to tell you how many unread messages I have. It’s an embarrassing 4 digit number. Forget I ever mentioned that. Over the past couple months, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about how I take and edit my photos for Instagram. I’m honored you’d even want to know. It’s nothing fancy. Promise. I’ve compiled the questions and shared all the juicy details. As always, no secrets allowed here.
What kind of camera are you using?
I’m a purist through and through. I only use my iPhone for Instagram. Since I joined, I’ve been using an iPhone 4. I think it’s high time for an update this summer.
Do you use an app to edit pics?
I edit all images using Afterlight. Does that cancel out my purist ways? Either way, I love Afterlight. It takes my images from drab to fab. Excuse the cheese but look at the original. I take my pictures in the camera app. I don’t care for Afterlight‘s camera. Side note: you know the tap on the screen trick right? Tap where ever you want to focus. It’ll also adjust your white balance too.
If you use a filter, do you use the same filter on everything?
I do, I do. Russ is my absolute favorite. Once I started using Afterlight, I streamlined my editing process. In other words, I do pretty much the same thing to every picture (adjust brightness, contrast, exposure, temperature, fade, and sharpen). I like to keep things simple. You’d never tell from my compositions. (That’s a joke.) In other news, I’ve recently started shooting and editing my blog pics similar to my Instagram pics. If I can get my beep together, I’ll share the Photoshop action soon.
What is your behind the scenes set-up? Tell me about lighting. And what is the white background?
I shoot in the same corner of my house on my white Ikea desk in front of a window. I usually shoot overhead. The light pours in from the left. I adjust the blinds behind to add a little back light. If it’s super overcast, I pull up both sets of blinds. Sometimes I use a white board to bounce light and fill shadows, but lately I’ve been welcoming the shadows. Click to see more pictures of my current workspace and my old workspace.
Do you take most of your photos in the daylight?
I’d say 99%. I started taking pictures in natural light. It’s really all I know.
Do you come up with a concept of the photo beforehand, or do you experiment with creating the photo as you’re baking?
I’m embarrassed to admit—I think about Instagram, and therefore food, a lot. It’s always running in the background of my head. I’m an overshare-er especially when it comes to what I’m eat or baking. For better or worse, Instagram is a natural overflow of what I’m already doing. However, I don’t spend as much time as I should composing my photos. Actually, composition has always been my achilles heel. In high school, I painted. In college, I was a graphic designer (still am). In real life, I’m a blogger/fauxtographer. Composition is hard for me. However, in each of those endeavors, I had a tendency to over simplify. I fought it for many (many) years. Now I’m embracing it. White space and geometric compositions come natural to me. While I love to drool over highly stylized photos with pretty props, it’s not my personal strength. If you’re looking for advice on developing your style—do what feels most comfortable to you. Take a lot of pictures. Then take a step back. Look for similarities among the pictures and mark your favorites. Keep what’s working. Toss what’s not. Then create a breadth of work in your style.
Do you add anything to the food to make it look glossy or gooey?
If only I was that professional. There’s a good reason I call myself the faux. Although, I am mindful of how I present my food, whether it’s for a picture or placed straight on the dinner table. If I’m preparing a bowl, I mess with it more than usual. See this pic for reference.
I want to know how the heck you’re cooking and snapping pics with a new baby?
You want the real answer? I’m juggling too much right now. I stay at home with the babe, co-run a business, and a blog plus all the normal life things. It’s been a hard adjustment for me. However, it’s really important for me to maintain my little creative space as a food blogger, and therefore an Instagrammer. Cooking is therapeutic for me. And no matter how busy we are, we still have to eat. It somehow works. Kev is also very involved dad. He helps so so much. Hal is 6 months now. She takes long, consistent naps. It’s a dream come true. I save all fussy, semi-longwinded recipes for the weekend and keep things short and sweet during the week. We’re finding our rhythm, slowly but surely. In other news, Hallie hates food. She still prefers a liquid diet.
Who inspires you? You didn’t ask but I want to tell.
Some of my favorite Grammers are: Sarah Kieffer, Amanda Jones, Diala Canelo, Billy Green, Whitney Reeder, Nikole Herriott, Tara O’Brady, Molly Yeh, Vanessa Rees, Angela Hardison, Kamran Siddiqi, Nicole Dula, Breanna, Melanie Blodgett, Ashlae W, Kelsey Brown, Yossy Arefi.
Follow my Instagram journey here.
PS—If there’s ever anything you want to know, just ask. Leave a question in the comments. If there’s enough, I’ll do another post. All images in this post were taken with my iPhone and edited with Afterlight. Credit for the first image goes to my main man, Kev, with a little art direction by me. I told you he’s a saint.
It’s great to see how other foodies photograph their food/recipes. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos with us!
hi i started using afterlight after reading your post but everytime i upload the picture up on my IG it turns out blurry. im using an samsung galaxy s4 and the picture is in great quality until i upload it on instagram. whats wrong ?
Hmm, I’m not quite sure. I’ve never used a galaxy before. However, I learned the other day that editing your pics via afterlight decreases the quality. Maybe it’s due to that? Sorry I can’t be of more help.
Loved this post Melissa and I always enjoy your instagram feed!
Russ is my favorite Afterlight action too! Loved these tips, especially the ones about light. I’ve been snapping too many low-light images lately, though that has its own aesthetic appeal too.
You need to have classes, because my natural instagram photos suck. I always have to post professionally done ones! Love yours though!
I love that you posted your process. It makes me feel less crazy that I’m not the only one who goes through all these steps just to take nice photos 🙂
I’m addicted to Afterlight (though I rarely use the filters … will need to try those!) Still not so sure my pictures will look quite as great as yours!
Thanks for posting your IG process. I love seeing the details of how other people create.
I just think you are great. You are inspiring now but then again you always have been to the people around you. This is just another amazing venue for it to continue.
I love seeing your editing process and how much thought you put into your instagram; it feels like it’s a real and coherent extension of your ‘brand’ but is still full of personality + personal touches.
Thanks for the love! And I love reading about your process. I’m addicted to vsco, but I should probably try out all those other camera apps I’ve downloaded. 😉
great post! i can’t wait to check out after light…..
and the babe, ADORABLE!! xoxo
Love this post! I always wonder how you and others manage to make their photos look so consistent. I have been using Afterlight to edit mine (I think you introduced me to it at Alt, love it!) since VSCO never clicked with me, but you’ve given me some new ideas.
Love this post, Melissa! I have long-adored your minimalist photos and it’s a style that’s very you and one I gravitate towards. Thanks so much for the shout out! Insta-iPhone purist twins!
Your photos (Instagram and blog) are always and consistently gorgeous. Thanks for sharing how you do it. Have downloaded Afterlight. 🙂
I’ve never used Afterlight, but after reading this post I’ve downloaded the app. I’m excited to play around with it!
Thanks for giving us the details, Melissa! Afterlight sounds like an amazing app – I might have to break down and try it out. 🙂
That’s awesome that you’re using an iPhone 4 – just goes to show that it’s the photographer, not the expensive camera, that makes a good photo. 🙂
Also, Hallie is so much adorableness. Love her eyes! I had the hardest time getting my Helen to eat for a while, but now she horks down her food.
Fun post! I’m going to have to try using “Russ”. I’m a “Glacier” Alfterlight filter junkie myself. Love your instagram feed by the way, keep the gorgeous photos coming!
I love this! I have had Afterlight downloaded for lo long but haven’t taken much time to play around. As others have mentioned, VSCO is their go-to as it has been mine, but I’m ready for a new challenge!
Oh I love this post (and am also obsessed with Instagram) and am definitely going to use afterlight !
afterlightrussfiltertwinsies!! I’ve been using it since the day it came out and haven’t looked back haha. I also have an issue with their camera though since they changed it several months back so I downloaded the camera awesome app just to take the image and I love it. THANKS FOR THE LUUUV!
Thank you so much for sharing! I love afterlight but need to use it more often and now I will. IAlso, i too cook and bake/blog with a 16 week old as a therapy to my hectic days of working from home with her!
Keep it up!
Can’t wait to check out afterlight! I’ve been using VSCO but lately not even using the filters and just playing with exposure, contrast, etc. Your Instagram account is definitely a major favorite of mine, so this was fun to read. Also, I’m super impressed you’re using an iPhone 4. I absolutely haaaated mine [always felt the photos were very un-sharp – but yours never look that way!]. I upgraded in Dec and love the clarity the new camera has and better sensitivity to light. Great post!
I LOVE Afterlight! I use it for all my post-photo-taking editing too 🙂 we have a similar process (the exposure, brightness, contrast, etc) but yours still look way better 🙂 xo
afterlight is my jam. it’s ridiculous user-friendly (unlike VSCO which eats my battery life) but I’ve never used the filters. I’ll have to play around.
i love this post!!! your instagrams are always stunning. and what ashlae said! i need to get on this afterlight train… i’ve been using the same vsco filters over and over and over.
and thanks for the shoutout, dear!!!
Alright, that’s it – getting in on the Afterlight action. I’ve been using VSCO for quite some time but I’m in need of a change. And I would love (loooooooove) to know how you edit in Photoshop! Pretty please?