Make Ahead Thai Mango Salad from The Faux Martha

After eating my way through a couple diets in my late teens and early 20s, I now have one mantra for feeding myself—lead with vegetables. I’ve heard this advice a thousand ways over the past 10 years. From Michael Pollan who said, “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” And from Bringing Up Bébé, where a French mother recounts putting vegetables on the dinner table first to feed the grumbling children begging to eat. (Maybe she didn’t say grumbling. Maybe only mine grumbles?) Let them fill up on that, she said, before setting down the next course, which has led me to believe that a 2-course meal does not need to be fancy. For us, that looks like a salad before pasta or pizza. For me, that looks like a salad before dinner, at lunchtime. And a salad at lunch only really happens if I prep in advance. So I’ve added this Make Ahead Thai Mango Salad to the menu.  Read more

Lemon Olive Oil Pistachio Cake from Love and Lemons Every Day

My friend Jeanine from Love & Lemons makes the prettiest cookbooks. They’re bright, delicious, happy, and so well designed. Like a magazine and cookbook all in one. Even Kev, not the cook of the family, got lost in her new book, Love & Lemons Every Day. Maybe not as lost as he got in her Lemon Olive Oil Pistachio Cake after work, where he hacked into this tiny work of art with a dull metal spatula. “Gimme that spatula, Kev.” I followed suit.   Read more

Butternut Bánh Mì Pizza from The Faux Martha

When we lived in Oak Park, IL, when we were young and alive, when we didn’t have enough money to take the train downtown to Chicago, I stood next to the continental divide sign, legs spread wide, imagining I was standing on two magnets pulling water to opposite ends of our coasts. Would I spilt in two like the water? Turns out I’m not that malleable. Not nearly as malleable as a recipe. We’re straddling two seasons right now, standing in muddy, dead grass with glints of green over a slice of Butternut Bánh Mì Pizza, between winter and spring. Read more

Citrus Fruit Salad with Seedy Honey from The Faux Martha

“Mom. Mom? Mom?!” She’s met her quota for the day, and it’s not even 8:30 am. Currently, this word no longer makes sense to me from its overuse. Motherhood is a never ending game of fielding questions and giving. I quickly make breakfast before she changes her mind again, while packing her lunch, while loading the dishwasher, while watching the news and missing the snowfall forecast from the latest “Mom!!!” Giving, giving, giving. I hate to admit it, but maybe this word has lost its meaning, too.  Read more

Snow Ice Cream recipe from The Faux Martha

On a recent podcast (airing soon), she asked: What was the last thing you googled? My answer: How to make snow ice cream. February has been the snowiest month on record in Minneapolis with more on the way today. And if you’ve been around here long enough, you know that I love snow. I live for it, except when school is canceled. A lot. We’re up to six snow days so far, two of those days attributed to really, really cold temperatures. Read more

Tres Leches Hot Chocolate recipe from The Faux Martha

“Sometimes I wonder if it’s harder to stay than it is to go,” Kev says aloud. Kev wonders a lot of things, which makes him a good psychologist, which also makes me wonder about things I’d overlook. Cozy up with me for a second over a cup of Tres Leches Hot Chocolate. I have a story about staying, a story that was slowly telling itself last year. Read more

Healthy Mint Chip Green Smoothie from The Faux Martha

I want to take you to a warm place I met last summer. Under a big, tall tree. Beneath a lush pile of grass. On top of a kilim blanket. A blanket from the basket just outside the front door of the juice shop. There were mountains in the background. But this particular story isn’t about the mountains. Because traveling to the mountains with a then 4-year-old, like we did last summer to meet up with family, well, there’s only so much you can do. And not a lot of those things involve mountains. Except for the day we took the overpriced gondola to the top of the world. She loved it. Read more

Pantry Friendly Aloo Gobi from The Faux Martha

The practical art of making more with less. It’s the tagline of my book. It’s one of my favorite things to think about and implement into my life. I like to talk about it, too. You can listen to this podcast with Robyn of Real Food Whole Life. Throughout our conversation, Robyn asked me to break this idea down and break it down again. To be honest, it’s a complex, multi-faceted thing to break down. While this idea is intuitive for some, it’s counterintuitive and confusing to others. Many would think, if I pare down my kitchen, for example, then I’ll only be able to make basic, 5-ingredient recipes. Aside from Marcella Hazan’s brilliant 5-ingredient tomato sauce (you can see my version here), not a lot of recipes come together in so few of ingredients. At least not many you’d want to make again and again. That’s why this whole less-is-more thing is so incredible. Stay with me. Read more

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