If you’ve never tried baked blueberry cake donuts, today is your lucky day. Believe it or not, I was never a huge donut lover growing up. But give me baked blueberry cake donuts? Don’t ask for a bite. When I was a kid, the baked blueberry cake donuts shelf was the only one I looked to during my Dunkin’ D visits growing up. If it was empty, another flavor wouldn’t do. I didn’t even mind the awful film it left in my mouth. Read more
Don’t mind the boxes, packing tape, unkempt hair, and complete mess that sits behind this computer screen. By the end of the week, we will be moved into the new place. At least that’s the plan. But since nothing has gone quite as planned, I may still be sitting at this here desk come next week. Let’s pray that’s not the case. My sanity is about to walk out the door on me. Read more
Easter is coming. Another big meal around the dinner table with friends and family. Chaos will ensue in the kitchen. There will be no time for homemade rolls. At least that’s what my Mom always said.
Looks like I’m still stuck on breakfast. This time crepes. Those thin, papery, and, oh yes, buttery pancakes that have left me intimidated all these years. Read more
One last recipe before the year end. And here I sit in disbelief that I just typed “year end”. Truth be told, this is my least favorite time of year. The hype of Christmas has passed. The tree is still up but sits lonely and unlit in the corner. It’s trunk bare with opened gifts that have since found new homes. The sun shines brightly trying to uplift my disposition. But seems to do just the opposite as I wish for overcast mornings. For snow covered streets. For the quietness of winter. It’s not time for the bright and cheery. It’s not time to press restart again. Or is it? Read more