Sun-dried Tomato Pesto Picnic Sandwich | @thefauxmartha

With the rest of the world, I’ve always been a little smitten with Ina Garten. Mostly for her ability to pack up everything she’s just made into those perfect plastic containers before meeting Jeffrey at the beach. That’s where she cloaks the sand with a beautiful blanket and speckles it with the prepared food that’s somehow still warm. Is it the magic of TV or Ina? Ina does picnics like no one else.
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A couple months ago, I started this simple summer series. I read every last suggestion from you on how to keep summer simple and even implemented a handful, although they were faced with great resistance at first. A friend from college posted a suggestion to go outside, sit on the back porch, and stop everything. Shivers ran up my spine as a read it. Read more

Once upon a time, I ate a tasty little cookie filled with Nutella, chocolate, and oats from a charming local bakery. In hopes of finding its recipe, I searched the interwebs far and wide. Tragically, the search turned up empty. And I turned up sad.

Left with no other choice and a sprinkle of fairy dust, the recipe writing began. A crispy chocolate cookie was in order. One that holds it shape. Yes! Dark chocolate, all the better. This cookie better be great. So I started with the lovely Smitten Kitchen’s Oreo recipe. Read more

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