Mexican Frittata | The Fauxmartha

I’m calling my Easter eggs frittata eggs this year. Hallie isn’t wise enough to know these eggs should be boiled, dyed, and decorated. And I’m fine with that. They’re actually quite beautiful just as they are.  Read more

Vegetarian Chili | @thefauxmartha

Did you watch the show Dinosaurs back in the day? We did. Every last episode. I watched it again on Netflix just before having Hal. It kept me occupied during my many craft projects for her room. I’m pretty sure she’d recognize the theme song if I played it for her now. In one episode Robbie looks at his dad, Earl Sinclair, and explains he’s a herbivore. Earl was a carnivore. You can imagine how that went over. Earl took Robbie out back to catch dinner. Robbie befriended his “dinner” and made a salad.  Read more

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