I learned this little gem after reading my King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking book from cover to cover in college and use it all the time (as seen in my waffle and pancake recipe). Add two tablespoons of fresh squeezed orange juice when baking with wheat flour. It helps to neutralize the acidic taste wheat can often give off. And more often than not, recipes with wheat flour can afford a little extra liquid.

Whole Wheat Pancakes | The Fauxmartha

The breakfast palooza continues. Or maybe it’s come to its rightful end? I think we have enough weekend breakfast recipes to last us a good month. There’s no denying it. I truly love breakfast. But I’m particular. I like my waffles crispy. My crepes with golden webbing. My french toast with thick crusty bread. And my pancakes thin, light, and far from cakey. My mom says I’ve always been this way. Read more

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