That’s a picture of a beautiful make ahead orange clove roll that I made for Thanksgiving. I forgot to post the picture of Hallie throwing a tantrum for the twelfth time. And the picture where I threw one too, beet red and angry. And I didn’t tell you how I threw out the stuffing before anyone could take seconds because it didn’t taste right. I bought the wrong bread. And I didn’t record the argument we had about how to best hang the garland outside either. But I did want to tell you about these make ahead orange clove rolls we consumed during those days. That cream cheese glaze, it can cover a multitude of sins. Read more
“Thank you.” Tears began welling just above the lower lid of my eyes as we handed the bag of muesli to her. Today was the last day of “school” for Hallie. We made a mega batch of muesli that not every bowl, stock pot, or container in our kitchen could hold. It was our way of saying thank you. But that bag of oats and apricots would never ever touch the deep, deep sentiment we felt in our hearts. I don’t say thank you much, or enough. In fact, I can’t tell you the last time I wrote a thank you card. It’s embarrassing. I never expect it myself, and when it’s given to me, I awkwardly change the subject. Read more
Every year it happens. A new Christmas in a _____ is born. Though, I had to change my preposition from in to on this year. This year I give you: Christmas on a Plate. It might be the easiest and prettiest of the bunch. Read more
I have an announcement of sorts, and I’m burying it in a post about chicken salad. Lucy’s Chicken Salad. I’ve been keeping this bit of information to myself for awhile, which is rare for an over-sharer like me. I’ve been starring at the blinking curser, picking at and playing with my hair like I do when I’m thinking but can’t verbally formulate my thoughts. This announcement–it’s really not that hard to say or even that crazy. I’m just not comfortable with it yet. Just like I wasn’t comfortable calling Kevin my fiancé for months after getting engaged. And the same reason I still have a hard time calling myself a mom. Those are grown-up words. And most days, I swear I’m still in high school. Read more
It’s been one of those weeks where I’ve had more of these than the things that grow out of the ground. My poor body. To combat “those weeks”, which are becoming my new norm, I’ve started roasting a sheet of veggies in a balsamic vinaigrette at the start of the week. Roasting vegetables is a magical thing. They caramelize and turn to candy in the oven. I could eat the whole sheet in one sitting. But instead, I ration them out throughout the week, stuff them in a wrap, and call it lunch. Life lunch saver. Read more
I don’t typically title my recipes with adjectives like amazing, superb, or outstanding. It seems trite. But in this case, I have good reason. I went to my first Thai restaurant in college. Growing up in Texas, I’d only ever heard of tex-mex. I’m only half kidding. Upon recommendation from a friend, I ordered #45—Amazing Chicken. Read more
Don’t mind the boxes, packing tape, unkempt hair, and complete mess that sits behind this computer screen. By the end of the week, we will be moved into the new place. At least that’s the plan. But since nothing has gone quite as planned, I may still be sitting at this here desk come next week. Let’s pray that’s not the case. My sanity is about to walk out the door on me. Read more
Easter is coming. Another big meal around the dinner table with friends and family. Chaos will ensue in the kitchen. There will be no time for homemade rolls. At least that’s what my Mom always said.