This is not Mike’s Hard Lemonade. It’s Mel’s Hard Lemonade. It’s been making an appearance at 5:00 for some time now. With a smooth, round lemon flavor served in a wine glass, not a beer bottle, it’s elegant and classy and quick. Along with a glass, you’ll reach for your brimmed hat, linen pants, and wicker picnic basket. Or maybe you’ll just reach for the wooden spoon to stir together dinner. I usually (always) do the latter. At 5:00. Read more
I have a lightening quick post today, on all fronts. Yesterday, just hours before the annual neighborhood Christmas party, Lucy (my neighbor) and I got together to concoct what some said is the best eggnog they’ve ever had. Now, I don’t usually care for eggnog, but I care very deeply for this one. We tested several versions until we hit perfection, hiccup. Ella Wang, Diddy, Dumps, Wingnut, Mrs. Thompson, Sweet Alice, and Aunt Cleo provided the eggs. Lucy has a chicken coop and 4 tiny humans that come up with the best names. Now about that blender eggnog. It comes together quick, in a blender. It’s light in texture compared to the thick custardy version you might be used to (mostly due to the raw, uncooked eggs) and not overly sweet. I know the raw eggs will ruffle some chicken feathers. Choose your eggs wisely, wash them well before cracking, and crack on a flat surface (like a counter), says my neighbor Beth. Skip the alcohol if you must, but please don’t skip the freshly grated nutmeg. Clink, cluck, cheers! Read more
If you’ve ever been to Dallas, there’s a good chance you’ve eaten at Mi Cocina. It’s my all-time favorite Mexican restaurant (next to XOCO and Frontera in Chicago). The food is excellent. I ebb and flow between splitting fajitas and hoarding the Rico Salad to myself. But if I’m being honest, it’s their margarita, specifically the Mambo Taxi, that makes this place my favorite. It’s a strong, not-too-sweet margarita wrapped in a sangria swirl. One will leave you dancing and hailing an Uber. Read more
Sun-kissed cheeks. Chalk-laced hands. Overgrown grass. The greenest of greens and the bluest of blues. Grill-charred chicken. Watermelon wedges. Paper plates. Impromptu dinners. Sprinklers. Thunderstorms. Skinned knees. Fireflies. Mosquito bites. Aloe vera. Light-hearted living. Late night sunsets. Water-beaded glasses. Cocktails on the porch. Cheers with your neighbors. Summer, I love you. Read more
We are settled! In a house that I plan to breathe my last breath in. Just like the last day of high school, college, etc, I thought this day would never come. In the summer of 2008, Kev started graduate school. I started this blog soon thereafter. We lived 4 semi-settled years in Chicago, knowing we’d most likely move come internship time. And that we did. In 2012, we hauled our belongings to the east coast where we spent two years completing his internship and post-doctoral work. We loved our time in Connecticut, but it didn’t quite feel like home. In 2014, we trekked back to the midwest with a cute 9-month in tow and plans to build a house in Minneapolis. We parked ourselves in a tiny apartment just outside the Twin Cities and began the never-ending process of building a house. Like all things, it came to an end. And here we are! Settled, minus all the boxes in the basement and frames lining the walls, with a margarita in hand. Well, one of us is. Read more
Fireside reading. Coffee sipping. Sound sleeping. Card playing. Cooking and baking. Banjo Singing. Belly laughing. And resting. Read more