A delicious winter quiche recipe made with shaved brussels, sweet red onions, fresh thyme, buttery Roth Havarti, and crispy bacon. Roth Grand Cru would also be delicious here. The recipe is written for a 10-inch removable bottom tart pan with a 2-inch height. See additional notes below.
Favorite Single Crust Recipe
2–3 slices of your favorite bacon (about 1/4 c. once chopped)
2 tsp. olive oil
3/4 c. sliced red onion (about 1/4 of a red onion)
1 c. shaved brussels sprouts (about 5-6 small brussels)
1 tbsp. fresh thyme
1/2 tsp. kosher salt, divided
5 large eggs
1/2 c. whole milk
1/2 c. grated Roth Havarti
a couple cracks of pepper
- Make your favorite crust in advance. (You can find mine in The Minimalist Kitchen, page 242.) The night before, so you can sleep in, bake the crust. This is also known as blind baking and helps to prevent soggy bottom crust syndrome. On a lightly floured surface, roll out your single disk to 14-inches in diameter. Fold in quarters and transfer to a 10-inch removable bottom tart pan with a 2-inch height. Unfold and center within the pan, trimming excess only if needed. Place pan in the freezer to chill for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 425°F. Before baking, prick the bottom and sides of the dough with a fork. Line the interior with crumpled parchment paper and fill with pie weights or dried beans to keep the crust from bubbling or shrinking. Place pan on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Remove the parchment and pie weights, and bake for 3 minutes more or until the bottom of the crust is cooked through. Remove from oven and allow to sit out overnight, uncovered.
- The morning of, prepare the filling. Chop, shave, and prep the ingredients. Preheat oven to 350°F. In a cast iron skillet on low heat, cook bacon until crispy, flipping halfway through. Amount of time will vary depending on cut/thickness of the bacon. Remove to paper towels to absorb excess drippings, then roughly chop. Meanwhile, preheat a separate skillet over medium heat. Add the oil and onions and cook for about 5 minutes until slightly charred, stirring occasionally. Add in the brussels, thyme, and 1/4 teaspoon of the salt. Turn heat to medium-high and cook for 1-2 minutes to char. Remove from heat.
- In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, remaining 1/4 teaspoon of salt, and a couple cracks of pepper until evenly combined. Stir in the bacon, charred vegetables, and cheese. Place the tart pan on a baking sheet if not already. Pour filling into the prebaked pie crust, being sure to evenly distribute. Bake for about 30 minutes or until the egg is cooked through. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving. To easily remove the sides of the tart pan, place the pan on bowl and allow the sides of the pan to gently fall. Carefully slide the quiche onto a cutting board and slice with a sharp serrated knife. I prefer to use a bread knife here. Happy brunching!
Do you really love bacon? Cook the bacon in the skillet first, then cook the onions and brussels in the leftover fat, removing all but about 2 teaspoons prior to sauteing.
Dislike bacon? Skip it altogether or add in 1/4 cup roughly chopped smoked deli turkey or ham straight into the egg mixture.
Short on time? Turn this into a frittata and skip the crust. In the recipe instructions, start with step 2.
Let’s talk Quiche pans. For years, I used the short, 11-inch removable bottom tart pan with the 1-inch lip, wrestling with problems like a shrinking crust and an overflowing filling. Then I got smart and went with the 10-inch removable bottom tart pan with the 2-inch lip. Those measurements are deceiving. The top width is a full 10 inches wide, while the bottom of the pan is 8.5 inches. If the crust shrinks a bit in this pan, I have room without having to worry about a filling overflow. With this pan, too, I’ve started letting my crust hang as high as they can, without trimming much. A rustic look. In fact, trimming seems to create more shrinkage in my kitchen. Think biscuits here. When you cut them, it helps them to rise. The same thing is happening with a frshly cut crust. Note: If you do not have this size tart pan, you’ll need to alter the baking time accordingly. A bigger pan will need less time to cook through, as the egg mixture depth will be thinner. A smaller pan will need a bit more time, as the egg mixture depth will be thicker.
I made this last night and it was delicious!
Cooked this recipe last night and it is simple and delicious.
I got this recipe very late because we were out of the country, but it is something I definitely want to make. It sounds good to my husband, too. It will be a lunch or dinner dish for us. Thanks for a great idea.
Hope you guys had a great trip before all the craziness began!
This sounds delicious. I’m going to try make it as a frittata in a 12” cast iron skillet. I tried to scale it up, but when you select 2x or 3x they only quantity that changes is the bacon amounts, thought you’d want to know.
So weird! Thanks for the heads up. We’ll work on getting that fixed.