Hello from the 8th stop of The Great American Pouf Tour. I’m celebrating with my friend Anne of Flax and Twine today on the launch of her new book, Knitting Without Needles. If you’ve been around since the early days, you might remember my shop full (and sometimes not so full) of knitted cowls. I think it was around that time that I met Anne. She’s been making crafting cool again since the early days. When her arm-knitted pouf arrived a couple weeks ago for The Great American Pouf Tour, Hallie usurped it for her own room. With the addition of the pouf to her tent and dog beds (keep reading!), her nook is looking pretty magical. I’m not sure if it’s more for her or me.
My love for making food trickles over into crafting. I just like to make things, though I haven’t knit since my tiny human arrived on the scene. But the minute Anne’s book arrived, I ran out to buy yarn to make her wired word art (tutorial also here). We spent the afternoon at the park. Hal ate sand (kidding!) while I learned to finger knit. It was easy, mindless, and therapeutic—the only kind of knitting I do. In a short afternoon, we had play scripted behind her reading nook.
Come nighttime, we hover in the tent and on the pouf for bedtime stories. It’s a magical little space, one that I hope fosters daily play in her life (and ours too).
Now, I have a secret. A nook is no good unless it’s comfortable. Pillows are no good long term, especially under the weight of an adult. But memory foam. That stuff saves tailbones. It can be pretty expensive, but memory foam dog beds from HomeGoods are straight steals at about $24 a pop. (They’re $60+ on Amazon.) We have two in her tent. I let Hal lay on one in the store for testing purposes. I had to pull her off with a little force after a couple of strange looks. She tells everyone that comes over about her reading nook and dog bed. Ok, maybe I bring up the dog bed part. We have no secrets at this house.
To Anne, congratulations on your book! Thanks for making our space playful, crafted, and beautiful. You made knitting simple and modern again—two of my favorite things.
Playful reading nook sources: Pouf Kit (in book) | Tent | Wired Art (in book) | Paper Tassel DIY | Dog Beds and Pillows | Rug
These are on the to-make list next ?.
Oh I love this!
I am so inspired to knit again (but like you I also have a little) and hardly any time. But I suddenly have a strong desire to make something from yarn. This nook is just adorable!!
xoxo ella
There’s so many great ideas in Anne’s book! I think I’m going to try a pillow case next.
We had a reading nook for the boys in our house in Stockholm, and it was my favourite corner of the house as well. I love that play on the wall, but like you I haven’t picked up a needle since having kids (crochet needle, I’ve never knit).
I love this, I might even have to try it myself, my little boy would love a reading tent, a fab idea!
Great room! I love the decorations! I love.
So cool. I could possibly do this!
Forwarding this to every cute and crafty person I know – you are theeeee cutest Melissa <3
So fun! I can’t wait to check out the book. Thanks for these great ideas!
Little Hal reading in the tent! I can’t even handle it.
That is basically the coolest play room EVER (lucky Hal). Also? I should probably teach myself how to knit. Or come to MPLS and have you teach me how to knit. 😉
You could totally learn it yourself but it would be wayyyy more fun if you came here! Please come!
The space is darling, Melissa! It’s so fun, playful, and cozy. I so need to learn to knit without needles!
What a great room! I love the decorations!
Her Heartland Soul
OMG can I be your daughter too? If I had a reading nook like this when I was little I never would have come out of it.
I love the word play on the wall!