Quick and Smooth Hummus | @thefauxmartha

I first started eating hummus in college while I was trying to tighten up my diet. Though, I had no real concept of the stuff other than it was the dip that tricked me into eating those overly dense “baby” carrots. Back then, I couldn’t have told you that hummus came from chickpeas. Or was it garbanzo beans? No, hominy. Hummus came from hominy. Those cans all sat side-by-side at Walmart, the only place to shop in my small college town, so it was no wonder I was confused.  Read more

It’s Food Matters Project Monday. And I herby dedicate this post to the final installment of my food journey series. Thank you for listening to me. For resonating with me. And for staying with me. Many Monday Mornings have been plagued with fret over pressing the virtual button—Publish. In some ways I felt like a fraud. Spending years of my life writing about food and my love for it. Neglecting, until now, to tell you my struggles with it. I don’t have answers. Just a story. Read more

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