No-bake Orange Cardamom Cheesecake | The Fauxmartha

Writing posts these days has been tedious. I’m not 100% sure why. But lately I’ve noticed a longing to tell a story different than my own. In my fairytale world, I’d tell you a story about how this cheesecake has been passed down through the generations and eaten on hot summer evenings after a long day spent at the lake with family. Afterwards, we’d sit by the fire—the one I started—and talk for hours counting the stars that are too hard to make out in our urban neighborhood. Read more

I went on a baking spree this weekend. Baked straight through. And then Monday happened. I forgot to rest. At least the weekend tasted good. It started with pop tarts. Then vegan chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. Topped off with strawberry shortcake. (Don’t worry, we had people over to help consume all these treats.) Blame it on the lack of sleep, I couldn’t decide what to post the latter half of the week—cookies or shortcake. So I used a lifeline and polled the Facebook audience. Cookies and shortcake were neck and neck. But when I started writing this post, strawberry shortcake was winning by 1 vote. I checked an hour later and it was losing. Shoot! Not gonna lie, I may have asked my husband and sister to cast their vote. And I may have told them that I already started the shortcake post. Chicago is rubbing off on me in a bad way. The good news–vegan chocolate chip peanut butter cookies are coming early next week. Pinky promise. Read more

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