Sunday morning. It’s quiet and overcast. The perfect light for photographing these whole wheat waffles. The Civil Wars are playing in the background from the speakers of Kev’s computer. Nothing fancy. $3 fresh flowers from the store sit on the messy table that needs to be cleaned. Something about it all reminds me, winter is just a season. The fog will soon lift. And the streets will bustle with activity and noise. But the quiet, that awkward, revealing sound I so often avoid, is majestic right now. Read more
Once upon a time, I ate a tasty little cookie filled with Nutella, chocolate, and oats from a charming local bakery. In hopes of finding its recipe, I searched the interwebs far and wide. Tragically, the search turned up empty. And I turned up sad.
Left with no other choice and a sprinkle of fairy dust, the recipe writing began. A crispy chocolate cookie was in order. One that holds it shape. Yes! Dark chocolate, all the better. This cookie better be great. So I started with the lovely Smitten Kitchen’s Oreo recipe. Read more
Have you noticed? Chicken Pot Pie. Chicken Noodle Soup. Apple Pie. I’ve been on a comfort food frenzy. And biscuits have been tugging at my pant leg for weeks now. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I was pregnant. Or homesick. I’m craving biscuits about as much as I’m craving some good ole family time. Living far away from home has its disadvantages—like living far away from home. The miles apart are long. And the days till Christmas vacation seem endless. I’m counting on these tender in the middle but crunchy on the outside comfort-filled biscuits to tide me over in the meantime. And maybe a Christmas cookie or two. Read more