I beg everyone to let me make the gravy during the holidays. It’s simple yet complex in flavor, with the sweetness from the white wine balancing out the salty notes of the meal. Just trust me on this one and make sure you use Moscato.
- 1 c. stock*
- 2/3 c. Seven Daughters Moscato (sweeter white wine)
- 2 tbsp. all-purpose unbleached flour
- 2 sprigs fresh thyme
- salt and pepper to taste
- Add stock to saucepan. Whisk together wine and flour until evenly combined. Pour into sauce pan and add thyme, salt, and pepper.
- Turn to medium heat whisking constantly until thickened, about 10 minutes. If gravy is too thin, whisk together a little more liquid and a teaspoon of flour until well combined. Whisk into gravy and continue to heat until thickened. Remove thyme sprig. Adjust salt and pepper if needed. Serve immediately.
* Typically I use a combination of turkey drippings and chicken stock. I prefer a 1:3 ratio, using more chicken stock to drippings. Strain dripping before adding into the gravy.