Sun-dried Tomato Pesto Picnic Sandwich | @thefauxmartha

With the rest of the world, I’ve always been a little smitten with Ina Garten. Mostly for her ability to pack up everything she’s just made into those perfect plastic containers before meeting Jeffrey at the beach. That’s where she cloaks the sand with a beautiful blanket and speckles it with the prepared food that’s somehow still warm. Is it the magic of TV or Ina? Ina does picnics like no one else.
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Justin's Almond Butter Pesto | @thefauxmartha

It usually greets us at the end of week, Friday night, on a bruised wooden paddle, in the form of a misshapen circle. From its charred edges and familiar flavors it whispers, I love you. Every single time. If homemade pizza were a love language, I’d speak it fluently. We go together like dark chocolate and peanut butter. Like a crispy crust and a bright green pesto. Read more

Spring Pesto | The Fauxmartha

I have a favorite guy at the farmer’s market. He’s probably a bit older than my dad. His hair is white and his skin sun-kissed. His eyes are a soft trustworthy blue with well worn lines around them which tells me he smiles a lot. But most importantly, he has dirt under his fingernails. If his eyes weren’t already trustworthy enough.  Read more

Winter Pesto | The Fauxmartha

They say there’s blizzard-like conditions coming to the northeast on Friday. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. For ending work early. Warming up to a mug of hot chocolate. And making every excuse to stay inside under a blanket. We’ll make homemade pizza just like we always do on Friday nights. Skipping the tomato sauce for leftover winter pesto this time. And rent a couple Red Box movies. At least that’s how I envision it.  Read more

Can I tell you something? This Food Matters Project is changing my life. We are trying a new recipe every week. It’s quite a miracle. If I actually made New Years resolutions, this would be one of them. It’s also cleaning up our diet. Our meals are more focused around vegetables that, might I add, taste good. No, divine. This week was no different—Roasted Red Pepper Pesto. Fingers dirty. Playing with food. Peeling off red pepper skin. I was in little girl heaven. There’s something beautiful about holding the food you make. Turning it into something palatable. I felt like an artisan. Read more

Did you lose sleep wondering how I served these homemade pasta noodles? Hopefully not.

Originally, I thought I would coat these cute little guys in a pink vodka sauce. Then I remembered New Years was only days ago. Something lighter was in order. Drum roll please—so I decided to go with Pesto. Spinach Pesto that is.

This recipe comes from one of my favorite cookbooks—Everyday Food. It’s quick. Easy. Healthy. What more could you ask for?

Spinach Pesto
Everyday Food

1/2 c. walnuts
1/2 c. parmesan cheese
4 c. lightly packed fresh spinach leaves
1 garlic clove
1/2 c. extra-virgin olive oil
Coarse salt and ground pepper

1. Preheat oven to 350°. Spread nuts evenly on a rimmed baking sheet; toast in oven until golden and fragrant, 8 to 10 minutes. Let cool completely.
2. In a food processor, combine nuts, spinach, parmesan, and garlic; season generously with salt and pepper. Process until nuts are finely chopped. With machine running, pour oil in a steady stream through the feed tube; process until smooth.
3. In a saucepan, add pesto to your cooked homemade noodles. (I also sauteed a couple chopped tomatoes and an onion for extra veggies prior to adding the noodles with pesto to the saucepan.) Cook for 5 minutes and serve.

Pesto will keep for 1 week in the fridge.

I have to be honest, I was nervous how this would turn out. First time making homemade noodles with my new machine. First time making spinach pesto. This could have spelled disaster. Thankfully, it was just the opposite. We ate every last noodle and then wished for more.

Stonyfield Farm Tour by The Fauxmartha

I’m going to start this post with a cliché, a big no no. But clichés are clichés for a reason. At the end of July, I went on the Stonyfield Farm Tour. It was life changing. (There’s the cliché.) If life were a video game or card table with a 500 piece puzzle on it, I feel like I just collected a couple important puzzle pieces to move on to the next level. Do you have those times in your life? When you’re waiting on something, not exactly sure what. And when you find it, or in this case, experience it, you know it’s going to be life-bending.
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The Minimalist Kitchen Week 3 meal planning from The Fauxmartha

I’m home from The Minimalist Kitchen book tour, and as amazing as it was to travel and talk about this labor of love, it’s so, so good to be home. Home is where I’m happiest. Home is where we make homemade dinners. At the Q&A portion of an event, someone asked, after having mentioned that we’ve lived in a lot of places, which region held my favorite restaurants. Maybe it was because I was missing home, but I said that my favorite meals to eat are the ones we make at home. Of course, we like to go out to eat here are there (here’s my favorite restaurants in Minneapolis), but we’re always most satisfied from a homemade meal. After being home for a couple days now, I stand by my answer—home is where the dinner table is. The one that has stains and indentions from Hal’s art projects and last nights dinner. Read more

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