Pear Almond Galette | The Fauxmartha

I made a similar Pear Almond Galette for Thanksgiving. Or should I call it Almond Pear Galette? I can’t decide. Either way it was simple yet beautiful, nearly elegant, with only a couple ingredients. (Simplicity is prime these days.) By the cover, it was a sure winner. But you know what they say—don’t judge a book by its … they were right. Read more

Blueberry Galette | The Fauxmartha

Last week we fought the moving blues with a galette, eating it amongst the half-packed boxes. Morale was low. Had there been an exit-earth-button, it would have been pressed a time or two. I’m being overly dramatic, but honestly, moving is a drag. I’m not telling you anything new. After it was all said and done, we decided movers probably hate moving more than we do. Read more

I’m fighting against the seasonal clock to make as many rhubarb infested treats as possible. The window is short. Too short. I nearly broke out in sweat on a cool 70° morning at the farmer’s market this week. Was I late? Where’s all the rhubarb? Oh, it was there alright. At the very last stand. Read more

Homemade Applesauce with Melissa Coleman of The Faux Martha

I hope you never forget the sound of the leaves breaking beneath your feet. The thrill of seeing a tree lit with ruby red bulbs. The piercing crunch of the first bite. The sticky, sweet juice at the crease of your lips. And the hum of the flies feasting on the leftovers. I hope you never forget the magic of sideways sun beating through the columns. The weight of too many to hold. The dreams of what they might become. Apple pie. Applesauce. Apple Muffins. Or maybe just a snack on the way home. Read more

Rosemary Cheddar Quick Bread | @thefauxmartha

I started baking in high school. But I really started baking after getting that pink bible of a King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking Book in college. I made my first galette, trifle, and rock hard rolls from that book. Rock hard because I used boiling water, like a true novice, to activate my yeast (112° seems like boiling water when you grow up under the Texas heat). My mom still buys an extra set of rolls during the holidays as a backup to mine. That was 10 years ago. Read more

Thanksgiving from scratch | @thefauxmartha

Before I say Happy Thanksgiving, I wanted to leave you with my made from scratch Thanksgiving menu. Don’t skip the White Wine Gravy, Cranberry Walnut Stuffing, or the Maple Pumpkin Pie. Hallmarks! I’ve included make-ahead instructions when possible. To pull this off, I recommend creating a schedule for both the preparation and the oven. Here’s mine. Finally, read through the recipes a couple times a day or so in advance to familiarize yourself. It’s kind of like studying for a test except way more fun, and you can bring all your notes. Read more

How do you know when a peach is ripe? My mom grew up in the south, making her a peach expert. She taught us at a young age to only eat a peach when you can smell it. And when they’re not as ripe as you’d like or if you have a peach cobbler, crisp, or galette to make later that day, stick them in a brown paper bag and seal to speed up the process.

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