Start a freezer bag or container to keep leftover/overripe/extra veggies in your freezer. When the container gets full, fill a soup pot full of water, add the veggies, some fresh herbs and seasoning. Boil for about 1.5 hours, strain and you have homemade vegetable stock. Freeze or use within a week in your favorite soups and winter stews.

Alison, This Homemade Life

When you need only a small amount of whipped cream, but don’t want to pull out the mixer and make a big batch (and mess)…use your immersion blender! Pour your whipping cream (1 cup or less) into a 4 cup measuring cup, and use immersion blender to whip cream until thickened. Add sugar and vanilla extract if needed. Half the time, half the clean up and no wasted whipping cream!

—Alison, This Homemade Life

If you ever want to substitute eggs in a baking recipe, use 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed with 3 tablespoons warm water, per egg. Whip using in a blender, immersion blender or food processor until it reaches a creamy, egg yolk consistency. Great when baking for vegan friends or if you find yourself out of eggs.

—Alison, This Homemade Life

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