Orange Rosemary Muffins | The Fauxmartha

I found spring at Trader Joe’s for $1.49. Well, hello little daffodils. I also found that after reading 547 children’s books you start talking like one. There’s no such thing as an inanimate object anymore. So to that end I say, goodbye Winter.
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Banana Curd from The Faux Martha

Before you say, “Banana Curd. That’s boring. Give me more Nutella.” Let’s talk. I know you have at least one overly ripe banana sitting on your counter. You could make banana bread, but you don’t have time for that. You could freeze it for your next smoothie, but there’s already five others in the freezer. Or, you could make banana curd in less than five minutes that will keep for weeks. And then you could shmear it on your crepes. With Nutella.

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Salted Nutella Latte | The Faux

Things are on repeat around here. Nutella, Nutella, Nutella. I wasn’t going to share this recipe until I mentioned it last post and a couple of you said—forget the buttercream, show us the latte. Or something like that. I heard you. There’s a Salted Nutella Latte, extra shot, light foam, no whip, easy on the sweetener, ready on the bar for you.  Read more

Salted Nutella Buttercream | The Fauxmartha

A couple weeks ago my mom came into town. She was going to watch Hal while I got so caught up on work I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Instead I spent most of the week hanging out with her and making Nutella Lattes. I also spent a good amount of time just watching her with Hal. Not the controlling over-the-shoulder kind of watching. More so the how-did-you-do-that kind of watching. Read more

Braided Chocolate Bread | The Fauxmartha

Colorado or bust was my mantra. #Denver2014 was my hashtag. For nearly 6 years we’ve tried to make our way out west. After our last move to Connecticut, we promised ourselves that we’d pack up and make the Rockies our backyard once Kev finished his postdoc here. No excuses. Here we are 4 months from wrapping up his postdoc. And guess what? We’re not moving to Denver.  Read more

Vegetarian Chili | @thefauxmartha

Did you watch the show Dinosaurs back in the day? We did. Every last episode. I watched it again on Netflix just before having Hal. It kept me occupied during my many craft projects for her room. I’m pretty sure she’d recognize the theme song if I played it for her now. In one episode Robbie looks at his dad, Earl Sinclair, and explains he’s a herbivore. Earl was a carnivore. You can imagine how that went over. Earl took Robbie out back to catch dinner. Robbie befriended his “dinner” and made a salad.  Read more

Baked Glazed Chocolate Donuts from The Faux Martha

Nothing quite says touchdown! like baked glazed chocolate donuts. Am I right? You should definitely add these gems to your Super Bowl menu. The fellas will go gaga over them. I’m only kidding. Make them now, or tomorrow, or any other day. But maybe not for the big match. Not kidding—I just found out the Super Bowl is this Sunday. Read more

Amazing Soba Bowl | @thefauxmartha

I don’t typically title my recipes with adjectives like amazing, superb, or outstanding. It seems trite. But in this case, I have good reason. I went to my first Thai restaurant in college. Growing up in Texas, I’d only ever heard of tex-mex. I’m only half kidding. Upon recommendation from a friend, I ordered #45—Amazing Chicken. Read more

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